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How Can We Be Sure God Hears and Answers Our Prayers?

How Can We Be Sure God Hears and Answers Our Prayers?

Our questions about prayer

Does God answer prayer? Is there any real value in praying to a God you can't see? Does prayer really work? These are common questions for many people even when they hold a belief in God.

We may believe God answered our prayers in the past but as new situations arise we still may have doubts. This is not only common for many of us, it one of the ways God helps us develop faith. Whenever we have doubts, it’s an opportunity for us to once again trust the Lord.

This is the nature of prayer and faith—both require trust in a living God.

The secret to understanding prayer is found in a relationship with God rather than believing the right things about God.

We can be students of the Bible yet struggle with doubts when it comes to prayer.

A person may strive to be good and treat people well yet have a level of unbelief. This unbelief undermines their confidence that God will answer their prayer.

Is there a way to be confident when we pray?

How can we have any assurance that God hears us and will answer our prayers?


[For the choir director; with stringed instruments; a psalm by David.]

Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness.

You have freed me from my troubles.

Have pity on me, and hear my prayer!

You important people, how long are you going to insult my honor?

How long are you going to love what is empty and seek what is a lie? Selah

Know that the Lord singles out godly people for himself.

The Lord hears me when I call to him.

Tremble and do not sin. Think about this on your bed and remain quiet. Selah

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness by trusting the Lord.

Many are saying, “Who can show us anything good?”

Let the light of your presence shine on us, O Lord.

You put more joy in my heart than when their grain and new wine increase.

I fall asleep in peace the moment I lie down

because you alone, O Lord, enable me to live securely. [vss 7-8]

(Psalm 4:1-8 GW) [Context– Psalm 4]

Reflections and Insights

Many people struggle with how to approach God in prayer. They may wonder things like—

How much faith do I need? Does my life need to be free from sin before God hears my prayer?

King David, the author of many psalms, did not live a perfect, sin-free life. In fact, the book of 2 Samuel reveals his struggles with moral failure. And yet, God said that David was a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22). Why?

David had a genuine, personal and confident trust in God.

Even in dire circumstances, even when he had doubts and fear, King David had confidence and trust in God. He prayed with authentic faith.

How did King David gain this confidence and develop genuine faith?

Consider the simple elements of this prayerful song of David.

He begins with a request and follows it with the testimony of God’s faithfulness as the basis for his request.

This is important! David reinforces his confident request because he remembers how the Lord has answered his prayers before. He is grateful for God’s faithful care, provision, and protection.

Then David addresses those who oppose him. They are filled with self-importance and self-righteousness. They are confident in themselves.

David rebukes them in their pride and shares how God sees and knows those who trust in Him. He’s telling these prideful and self-confident people of their need to fear the Lord and repent of their arrogance. At the same time, David is reminding himself to have this same attitude of heart.

David understood that the right sacrifice was offering himself to God in complete and utter trust (see these verses— Psalm 51:17; Rom 12:1; Heb 13:15).

David knew God would answer his prayer and declares the benefits of trusting in the Lord in the last three lines of Psalms 4—joy, peace, and rest.

Joy, peace, and rest are what those who trust in God receive because of their confidence in God. They are sure God hears and answers their prayer because they know God is faithful.

Digging deeper to Make it personal...

Review the Scriptures above as you consider the following questions

  • What do you see in the opening lines of this psalm?

  • Do you see how the appeal to God includes confidence in God?

  • Who else seems to be addressed in this prayerful psalm? What is King David reminding them about?

  • What advice is given? What does the psalmist encourage people to do?

  • What else is said about prayer? What assurance does the psalmist have?

  • Why would he have this assurance?

  • Do you struggle with doubts about prayer? Do you still trust God in spite of your doubts?

  • When you have a conflict or unresolved problem with others, do you bring these to God in prayer?

  • What is more important to you in prayer—answers or knowing the presence of God?

  • Have you come to trust the Lord enough to know His peace in your heart?

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