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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Does Fear Paralyze You or Motivate You to Trust God?

Does Fear Paralyze You or Motivate You to Trust God?

The fear factor

Fear can paralyze us. It can also panic us.

You've no doubt heard of the fight or flight response.

In short, it's a quick burst of hormones that spurs the nervous system into action, flooding us with extra strength, energy, and emotions to respond to a perceived threat.

Males tend to move towards fighting, while females favor fleeing. But that's a popularized generalization. 

How do you handle fear?

Do you run in the opposite direction of what causes you fear?

Or do you run towards what causes fear to conquer it?

What if there’s another option?

There is.


For the choir director; with stringed instruments, on the sheminith [uncertain musical term]; a psalm by David.

O Lord, do not punish me in your anger or discipline me in your rage. 

Have pity on me, O Lord, because I am weak.

Heal me, O Lord, because my bones shake with terror. 

My soul has been deeply shaken with terror. But you, O Lord, how long. . .? [vss 1-3]

Come back, O Lord. Rescue me. Save me because of your mercy! 

In death, no one remembers you. In the grave, who praises you? 

I am worn out from my groaning. My eyes flood my bed every night.

I soak my couch with tears. My eyes blur from grief. They fail because of my enemies. [vss 4-7]

Get away from me, all you troublemakers, because the Lord has heard the sound of my crying. 

The Lord has heard my plea for mercy. The Lord accepts my prayer. 

All my enemies will be put to shame and deeply shaken with terror.

In a moment they will retreat and be put to shame. [vss 8-10]

(Psalm 6:1-10 GW) [Context– Psalm 6]

Reflections and Insights

Reading of King David's conquest over Goliath and in many battles as a soldier under King Saul, you wouldn't expect him to react in fear. But his psalms reveal how he often had deep fears and concerns.

David’s psalms also reveal his go-to response to fear.

Nelson Mandela, a man acquainted with fear and imprisonment, said,

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

David learned early on in life to call out to God with an open and honest heart.

King David didn't hide his fear, nor his shame. He knew God would hear him, and he felt free to vent his feelings in prayer. He trusted God with his heart and his life.

God was faithful to King David, even when he struggled and stumbled in his life.

King David’s go-to was God—first and foremost.

Digging deeper to Make it personal...

Review the Scriptures above as you consider the following questions

  • How does this psalm begin? How would you describe the feelings expressed in it?

  • What is the tone and plea of the second group of verses? Who do you think David is speaking to?

  • How would you characterize the last group of verses? Who is being spoken to or about?

  • Do you see how this prayer resolves from its beginning? 

  • Do you see how David speaks to himself, his enemies, and to God?

  • How do you typically start your prayers to God? Are you able to be honest with Him?

  • Are there times when it seems God is not listening to your prayers?

  • Do you continue to pray until you're confident God hears you, as you lay your concerns before Him?

  • Have you learned to pray in faith and confident trust in God because of answered prayers?

    Confidence in prayer comes by trusting in God who hears and answers prayer.

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Click the link for a free Psalms Study Guide

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