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How Wise Words Can Protect Our Vulnerable Hearts

How Wise Words Can Protect Our Vulnerable Hearts

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Sticks and stones and words

“Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me,” goes the old children’s rhyme. If only that were true. It’s not.

Words can and do hurt, especially when taken to heart. We take some things to heart that aren’t helpful.

Criticism—particularly when mean-spirited—can crush our hearts and break our spirits. Whether accurate or not, criticisms tend to play like a never-ending loop in our minds.

Flattery taken to heart is a trap. It’s self-deluding and sets us up to fall when that flattery crashes into reality. Just like when someone who can’t carry a tune tries out for American Idol because family or friends tell them they sing well.

An unprotected heart is vulnerable. Who and what you trust is important. If you listen to and go by the opinions of others, your heart will be unsettled and confusion will fill your mind.

But there are words we can and ought to take to heart. Words we can value and treasure for life.


My son, if you take my words ⌊to heart⌋ and treasure my commands within you,

if you pay close attention to wisdom, and let your mind reach for understanding,

if indeed you call out for insight, if you ask aloud for understanding,

if you search for wisdom as if it were money and hunt for it as if it were hidden treasure,

then you will understand the fear of the Lord and you will find the knowledge of God…

Then you will understand what is right and just and fair— every good course ⌊in life⌋. (Proverbs 2:1-5, 9 GW) [context— Proverbs 2:1-11 GW]

Simple Insights

The advice presented in Proverbs from a father’s point of view is a literary device. Figurative language used to convey a trusted source of wisdom and authority.

This fatherly advice underscores the value of maturity and experience passed on to younger generations.

One simple need it fills is the establishment and restoration of trust. It also lines up with what is said at the beginning of Proverbs about God, wisdom, knowledge, and life.

Parents and elders held a place of respect in ancient culture. Their wisdom was valued. Parents and elders were expected to pass down the wisdom they gained from life experience and the wisdom and advice passed onto them from previous generations.

In our present western culture, respect for elders and parents seems to be eroded. Some of this distrust and lack of respect may seem warranted but it is often more out of rebellion than trustworthy revelation.

As foster parents in the US and in caring for abandoned and abused children and young women in the Philippines, my wife and I saw the importance of parenting first hand.

Parents who care for, nurture, and protect their children are essential for a healthy, stable family. Healthy and stable families are an essential element of a healthy and supportive community.

Mentoring is also important for personal growth and development as an adult, as mentioned in previous devos and posts. Mentoring is not restricted by age but those of us with valuable life experience can be a source of helpful guidance for those who are younger.

This fatherly advice in the first half of Proverbs Chapter 2 is simple encouragement and trustworthy guidance so “you will understand what is right and just and fair [in] every good course in life.”


How have criticisms or flattery caused you grief or shame? Consider carefully what you take to heart. When you filter what you hear through the lens of "what is right and just and fair," you can save yourself from much grief and shame.

Prayer Focus—

Pray for God to give you discernment so you can apply the filter of "what is right and just and fair" to what you hear, listen to, and consider—so your heart and mind will be protected from grief, shame, and hurt. Ask God for His help and wisdom for daily life.

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