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Can You Hear Wisdom Crying Out to You?

Can You Hear Wisdom Crying Out to You?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lady Wisdom

You might think philosophy—the study of wisdom—is the best source for gaining wisdom. But philosophical wisdom is not always practical. It tends to be more theoretical. In fact, there are many philosophical theories that hold very different, often contrasting points of view.

The Book of Proverbs contains wisdom intended to be useful and practical for everyday life.

King Solomon collected and wrote most of the proverbs in the Book of Proverbs. Much of what’s found in Proverbs is Solomon’s taking common proverbial wisdom of his day and reframing it with a perspective that fits Israel’s belief in one God.

Their belief in one true and living God is what was to set them apart from all other nations or people groups in the world. This gives the wisdom of Proverbs a spiritual foundation, and as with other books of the Bible, a lot of figurative language or figures of speech are used, such as personification.

Personification helps make an abstract and conceptual thought more real and relatable. Wisdom is often personified as a woman in Proverbs as a means of illustration, which I mentioned in an earlier post and in my study guide for Proverbs.

Personification makes things more personal, like BB King's guitar named Lucille and Willie Nelson's guitar Trigger. Ships and vehicles are often referred to as if feminine and sometimes characters or caricatures serve to personalize an attitude like Dickens' Scrooge and Dr. Seuss' Grinch

Throughout the Bible, God is shown to be the origin of wisdom. Wisdom is expressed in words and when God became human in the person of Jesus—the Word became human (John 1:1, 14). And so, wisdom became human and personified in Jesus.


Wisdom sings her song in the streets. In the public squares she raises her voice.

At the corners of noisy streets she calls out.

At the entrances to the city she speaks her words,

“How long will you gullible people love being so gullible?

How long will you mockers find joy in your mocking?

How long will you fools hate knowledge?

“Turn to me when I warn you.

I will generously pour out my spirit for you.

I will make my words known to you." (Proverbs 1:20-23 GW)

[Context—Proverbs 1:20-33 GW]

Simple Insights

Godly wisdom is available to those who seek it. To those who listen for it. But the gullible and those who mock or hate wisdom shut their ears to wisdom.

Reading through the whole context of the Scripture text above (Proverbs 1:20-33 GW), Lady Wisdom makes a promise for those who listen to her, then carries on a rhetorical dialog with those who refuse to listen and choose to go their own way.

Here’s a summary of what is said—

“Gullible people kill themselves because of their turning away. Fools destroy themselves because of their indifference.

But whoever listens to me will live without worry and will be free from the dread of disaster.” (Prov 1:32-33 GW)

People who hear Wisdom's warnings and heed them will be rewarded with freedom from worry and dread. But people who refuse, despise, or are indifferent to sound counsel and guidance will suffer for it.

This contrast between wisdom and foolishness results in the need to choose.

Sadly, not choosing wisdom and heeding her guidance and warnings is the default choice of foolishness and indifference which carries many consequences.

We need to be intentional about pursuing godly wisdom rather than defaulting to the ignorance of gullibility or recklessness or foolishness.

Again, it’s a choice—one we need to make often throughout our lives and even within each day.


When have you realized that it cost you in some way because you didn't listen to or seek wisdom? When have you sought and listened to wisdom and benefitted from doing so? Remember, seeking and following wisdom is a choice you need to make for yourself.

Prayer Focus—

Ask God to reveal to you how you are closing your ear to Wisdom's call so that you may be free of worry and dread. Ask the Lord to “pour out” His Spirit and make His wisdom known to you.

Would you like a free study guide for Proverbs?

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