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Honest Trust Is the Secret to Confident Prayer

Honest Trust Is the Secret to Confident Prayer

"What does God want from me?"

We might ask this question because we wonder what is required to be in God's presence and lay our concerns and needs before Him in prayer.

Is there some sacrifice we must make, or a good deed we need to do?

We may be convinced of the need to clean up and straighten up our lives to approach God, but these are not God's expectations.

He desires something much simpler, and perhaps, something surprising to many of us.


[For the choir director; for flutes; a psalm by David.]

Open your ears to my words, O Lord. Consider my innermost thoughts. 

Pay attention to my cry for help, my king and my God, because I pray only to you. 

In the morning, O Lord, hear my voice.

In the morning I lay my needs in front of you, and I wait. [vss 1-3]

You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness.

Evil will never be your guest. Those who brag cannot stand in your sight.

You hate all troublemakers. You destroy those who tell lies.

The Lord is disgusted with bloodthirsty and deceitful people. [vss 4-6]

But I will enter your house because of your great mercy.

Out of reverence for you, I will bow toward your holy temple. 

O Lord, lead me in your righteousness because of those who spy on me.

Make your way in front of me smooth. 

Nothing in their mouths is truthful.

Destruction comes from their hearts.

Their throats are open graves. They flatter with their tongues. [vss 7-9]

Condemn them, O God. Let their own schemes be their downfall.

Throw them out for their many crimes because they have rebelled against you. 

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice. Let them sing with joy forever.

Protect them, and let those who love your name triumph in you. 

You bless righteous people, O Lord.

Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor. [vss 10-12]

(Psalm 5:1-12 GW) [Context– Psalm 5]

Reflections and Insights

The psalms are open and honest poetic prayers. They're designed to be sung as hymns, as a response of the heart to God. These poetic prayers and hymns vary in their style (see Psalms Study Guide).

Psalms 5 is considered a wisdom psalm but the middle section could be considered as an imprecatory or curse style. It is a way of laying honest feelings out before God rather than keeping them bottled up inside.

This psalm has five alternating segments to it—

  1. vss 1-3— a request and appeal to God to hear David’s prayer with an expectant commitment to “wait” upon God in the morning.

  2. vss 4-6— an acknowledgment of who God is and of those who live apart and in defiance of God.

  3. vss 7-8— David’s confidence in God’s faithfulness and reverence for the Lord.

  4. vss 9-10— David draws a contrast to those who are in rebellion to the Lord.

  5. vss 11-12— David’s confidence in God’s favor and protection for those who trust in the Lord.

Do you feel unworthy or inadequate to express your heart to God?

Then start reading and praying through the psalms. Use them as a guide to express your heart to God.

What is God looking for? What does God want from us?

People who trust Him in an open and honest way. Hearts who trust in Him above all else, with a willingness to put first things first—

”In the morning I lay my needs in front of you, and I wait.”

King David began his day by setting his heart to trust in God. He expressed his requests and trust in God, then expected God to answer (vs 3). He waited on God with an expectant trust.

His confidence was based on God's mercy and faithfulness. He knew the Lord was his refuge and shield for whatever the day might bring. By faith, David saw beyond his difficult circumstances.

God desires for us to do the same as King David—to trust in Him with confidence.

Digging deeper to Make it personal...

Review the Scriptures above as you consider the following questions

  • How does this psalm begin and end?

  • What is the primary request the psalmist (King David) asks three times?

  • How would you describe what is expressed between the beginning and end?

  • Why would David express this stark contrast between himself and others who don't trust in God?

  • How does the end of the psalm (vss 11-12) complete the request at the beginning (vss 1-3)?

  • Do you allow doubts and struggles to hold you back from expressing your heart and trust in God?

  • Are you able to be open and honest with God in prayer?

  • Do you intentionally put your trust in God, or is He more like a last resort?

  • Do you trust in God's mercy and faithfulness even when others oppose or ridicule you?

Would you like a free study guide for your study of Psalms?

Click the link for a free Psalms Study Guide

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