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All tagged figurative language
All of us face obstacles in life. The question is—
How do you handle obstacles in your life?
The Bible is anything but boring. Sometimes it is downright strange. It’s filled with stories that rival the pop sci-fi, action, adventure, and mystery books and movies of today.
Riddles, repetition, stories, allegories, and parables used in Proverbs help a person understand and remember wisdom and truth. A good riddle requires thought to discern its meaning.
The early chapters of Proverbs have several admonitions addressed to a son but they are not gender-specific. Yes, it sure seems like it but they were written during ancient times. Women did not have the place they have now in most societies.
Many admonitions also focus on the dangers of immoral women, which sounds hypocritical coming from King Solomon who had a thousand wives and concubines. But figurative language is used a lot to emphasize a point, even overstating it.
In the ancient world—long before printing presses and the world-wide-web—most people didn't have the opportunity to learn to read and write. Education and literacy were the privilege of the few—mostly the wealthy.
Even today, much of the world's population is non-literate or has limited literacy. God in His great wisdom instructed those who wrote the Scriptures (2 Peter 1:20-21) to write in a memorable way—using stories and parables and poetry with lists, alliteration, illustrations and other forms of figurative language.