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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Lead Me to the Rock That Is Higher Than I

Lead Me to the Rock That Is Higher Than I

Overwhelmed but not forsaken

We’ve all experienced times of being overwhelmed. It’s easy to lose heart in those moments. It’s not something we want to experience, nor something we choose. But this sense of powerlessness is common to all of us.

Just recently, the power of a huge hurricane overwhelmed thousands and thousands of people. Some people lost everything, including loved ones. When the power of nature or some disastrous event is greater than you, that’s when you realize your powerlessness and smallness.

None of us respond the same way when we feel overwhelmed. It can paralyze us for the moment, but when we are responsible for others within a situation, it pushes us to take action.

My wife experienced this when a devastating fire swept through the home where we lived and cared for many young children. We lost five of those precious children and nearly lost our youngest daughter. The loss was terrible, but amid the fire and in its aftermath, we realized God’s sovereign power was greater than our powerlessness.

King David experienced many challenging troubles in his lifetime. Some were self-inflicted, but many were not. The one constant in his life was the Lord and David’s relationship with Him. This is why we hear David’s heart of confession and declaration throughout the psalms, and why, no matter what we face, we can take encouragement from his prayerful psalms.

In Psalm 61, we hear David’s heart cry out to God while declaring his confidence in the Lord. How we respond to overwhelming events and circumstances is determined by where we place our trust. Or better, in whom we place our trust.


For the choir director; on a stringed instrument; by David.

Listen to my cry for help, O God. Pay attention to my prayer. From the ends of the earth, I call to you when I begin to lose heart.

Lead me to the rock that is high above me. You have been my refuge, a tower of strength against the enemy.

I would like to be a guest in your tent forever and to take refuge under the protection of your wings. Selah [vss 1-4]

O God, you have heard my vows. You have given me the inheritance that belongs to those who fear your name.

Add days upon days to the life of the king. May his years endure throughout every generation. May he sit enthroned in the presence of God forever. May mercy and truth protect him.

Then I will make music to praise your name forever, as I keep my vows day after day. [vss 4-8]

 (Psalm 61:1-8 GW) [Context– Psalm 61]

Reflections and Insights

"Is God a chicken?" I remember Dr. Walter Martin asking this nonsense question in answer to a member of the LDS church, who claimed God has a physical body. You can hear him make the same point on this recording — Maze of Mormonism [at about minute 33].

Their supposition was based on Bible verses where God speaks of having arms, eyes, or even hands (Job 40:9). They claim God has a physical body and is an exalted man, and humans can become God.

Of course, God having wings, arms, hands, and so on, are figures of speech—descriptive words that convey familiar ideas. Figurative language helps us relate concepts and unfamiliar thoughts with familiar and known images or ideas.

This psalm of David has several figures of speech including, "the protection of your wings," to describe God's protective care. The image is that of a baby bird under the protection of its mother bird.

King David saw the kingdom of Israel as God’s kingdom, not his (see verses 6-7). We see David’s close personal relationship with God in this psalm, which is a good example for any and all believers.

King David understood that no matter where he was on earth, regardless of his situation, he could call out to the Lord for help with confidence.

Another Bible version expresses “When I begin to lose heart” as — "When my heart is overwhelmed" (Psalm 61:2 NKJV). Most of us can relate to that. We've all experienced a sense of despair that paralyzes us because of fear, loss, doubt, pain, or some other circumstance beyond our control.

David knew the solution—cry out to God. He asks God in anticipation of a time of despair to, "Lead me to the rock that is high above me." That Rock is God who is greater than any person. He is the Rock that is higher than I—you and me.

Life can be uncertain. As you look around at the world, it may seem threatening and unstable. But God is a strong tower. A rock. A refuge. Find protection under His comforting wings.


Have you experienced protection under God's wings when your heart is overwhelmed? Have you found strength in the Rock that is higher than you? Reach out to Him! Cry out to Him!

Prayer Focus—

When you find yourself overwhelmed and begin to lose heart, cry out to God and He will hear you. It doesn’t matter what reason you feel overwhelmed. It doesn’t matter where or who you are. When you seek the Lord with an open and honest heart, He hears you.

Here are two encouraging songs based on Psalm 61 in two different styles. Enjoy!

Hear My Cry

Lead Me to the Rock

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