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What is Smoother Than Oil, Sweeter Than Honey, But Bitter as Wormwood?

What is Smoother Than Oil, Sweeter Than Honey, But Bitter as Wormwood?

Sweeter than Honey, Bitter as Wormwood

Riddles, repetition, stories, allegories, and parables used in Proverbs help a person understand and remember wisdom and truth. A good riddle requires thought to discern its meaning. That’s its purpose—to stimulate thought so we remember the truth.

Philosophical wisdom is analytical and abstract by nature. Proverbial wisdom is more straightforward and practical.

Figurative language is common in the Bible. It’s used to make the truth obvious, not to obscure it.

Hyperbole is a figure of speech used to emphasize a truth. It’s a way of exaggerating to illustrate a point. A warning or encouragement expressed in hyperbole is more memorable.

In the Psalms, it says—

Mercy and truth have met. Righteousness and peace have kissed. (Psalms 85:10 GW)

Mercy and truth are pictured as two people who meet together as friends. And righteousness and peace kiss! It’s obvious these are not people but qualities. This is personification. The personal expression of these qualities emphasizes their closeness to each other.

The advice and warnings about the danger and cost of immorality are important. Expressed in strong words of figurative language, it’s like a flashing warning sign on a road.

This father’s advice and warning begin with a parabolic illustration. The graphic images emphasize the danger of immorality.


My son, pay attention to my wisdom…

The lips of an adulterous woman drip with honey. Her kiss is smoother than oil,

but in the end she is as bitter as wormwood, as sharp as a two-edged sword.

Her feet descend to death. Her steps lead straight to hell.

She doesn’t even think about the path of life. Her steps wander, and she doesn’t realize it… 

“I didn’t listen to what my teachers said to me... I almost reached total ruin…”(Proverbs 5:1,3-6, 13-14 GW) [Context—Proverbs 5:1-14]

Simple Insights

Some advice in Proverbs is pointed. Figurative language is used here but the point made is hard to ignore, especially considering the author. King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. He knew a thing or two about women (1 Kings 11:3).

Though he was a great king and wise man, the idolatry of all his wives turned his heart away from God. He allowed their influence and their desire to rule in his life. So he turned away from the God whom he knew to be true and from the wise truth he spoke and wrote.

It’s easy to reduce this counsel to an admonition about good morals. But there’s more to it than staying away from an adulterous woman—although this is excellent advice.

Why does anyone commit adultery or any other form of immorality?

It may stem from discontent, but what’s at the core of the discontent? Often, we become discontent when we want more of something or a different something—some perceived need that isn’t being met as we desire.

This is the conclusion drawn from the verses that follow the text above—

“Oh, how I hated discipline! How my heart despised correction!

I didn’t listen to what my teachers said to me, nor did I keep my ear open to my instructors.

I almost reached total ruin in the assembly and in the congregation.” (Prov 5:12-14 GW)

The counsel of the first six verses of Chapter 5 centers on the danger of pursuing a desire or perceived need—a need never to be fulfilled except by God’s goodness. And we are to avoid people driven by such desires and needs.

This was Solomon’s eventual realization (Eccl 12-9-14 GW) after years of empty pursuits. Here in Proverbs, he offers fatherly advice to avoid his mistakes.

We don’t need to travel the same path as Solomon to realize this same conclusion. We can learn from his counsel and mistakes.


When your heart is driven to pursue some desire or need out of dissatisfaction or discontent it will end in pointlessness. Heeding wise counsel can keep you from pointless pursuits and bring blessings along the way.

Prayer Focus—

Ask God to help you see where you might be heading when you go against the wise counsel of God's truth. And ask God’s guidance for how you can change direction.

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