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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Guard Your Heart with the Truth to Keep Your Life

Guard Your Heart with the Truth to Keep Your Life

The Need to Guard Our Hearts

It’s been said, “the eyes are the windows to the soul.”

This is a popular version of similar expressions throughout history. A person’s eyes show the true state of their soul more than their facial expression and words.

The eyes are windows for others to look inside another person—into their soul, their heart. A person can wear a smile on their face while trying to cover the grief buried in their eyes.

Our eyes are also the gateway of our perception of the world.

What we observe enters our mind and heart—our very soul.

Jesus said that if a person’s eye was healthy and took in what was good (light)—health and goodness would fill their heart (Matt 6:22-24). But when darkness comes in, it fills their heart with unhealthy and dark influences.

This is the reason for the admonition to “guard your heart...” (Prov 4:23). It reminds me of the children’s song that goes, “be careful little eyes what you see....” The warning in that song is suitable for all ages. We all need to watch what we observe and take in.

One obvious connection is to what we take in via gaming, news, and other media, music, movies, or online. When we feed on unhealthy, dark things—gossip, hate, immorality, porn, rancorous strife, or violence, to name a few—these same influences fill our hearts.

A simple way of knowing what influences and impacts us is to observe what comes out of our mouths. As Jesus said in another place, “Your mouth says what comes from inside you” (Matt 12:34 GW).

But how can we guard our hearts?


My son, pay attention to my words.

Open your ears to what I say.

Do not lose sight of these things. Keep them deep within your heart

because they are life to those who find them and they heal the whole body.

Guard your heart more than anything else,

because the source of your life flows from it. (Proverbs 4:20-23 GW)

(Context—Proverbs 4:20-27 GW)

Simple Insights

The fuller context of this verse (Prov 4:20-27) gives clear insight into how we can guard our hearts. It requires both internal and external disciplines.

Verses 20-22 speak of the internal disciplines to keep “deep within your heart.” This is the truth of God and godly wisdom. It's found throughout the book of Proverbs and the Bible as a whole.

God’s truth becomes life and healing for the whole body. God’s truth and wisdom promote wholeness to a person’s soul, mind, and body. This is a powerful influence for good.

We find external disciplines in verses 24-27. These verses speak of what we take into our hearts and how we act. This gives direction to our daily life.

When we value the truth, honesty and truth protect us from dishonesty and deception.

Our lives need clear-sighted direction. This protects us from getting distracted and drawn away from the path of life.

We gain this clear-sightedness by holding on to the truth of God. When the truth takes priority in our thinking, and we treasure it in our hearts, our path is secure.

But keep first things first.

Our internal disciplines need to guide our external disciplines. Otherwise, the external disciplines will develop into a form of legalistic self-righteousness.

Legalistic self-righteousness will not guard the heart. It hardens it with self-deceptive pride.

We need to discipline ourselves about what we take into our hearts and minds. What we store in our hearts will become the internal values governing our life.

So, guard your heart since your source of life flows from what’s inside it.


God's truth and wisdom promote wholeness to a person's soul, mind, and body, and are a powerful influence for good. What are you storing in your heart?

Prayer Focus—

Developing internal and external disciplines for our life is a continuing process that requires honest and personal intimacy with God in prayer. So, ask God to prepare you for each day and to guide you through each day.

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