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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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God's Mercy Is Greater Than the Vast Expanse of the Universe

God's Mercy Is Greater Than the Vast Expanse of the Universe

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

What’s Beyond the Universe?

One of my earliest impressions of the existence of God came during a lunar eclipse. As I looked up into the starry night, my dad told me of the thousands of galaxies stretched out in every direction throughout the universe.

I remember asking my dad, “What’s beyond the universe?” He couldn’t answer my question. He could only guess at an answer, as people have for centuries.

My four-year-old imagination tried to grasp the vastness of this limitless expanse above me, and it scared me. It wasn’t an anxious fearfulness, but a sense of awe and wonder.

Somehow, I sensed my smallness and powerlessness. This wasn’t a philosophical or scientific awareness, it was spiritual. Later in life, I realized God was beyond the universe because He is its Creator.


A psalm by David.

As high as the heavens are above the earth— that is how vast his mercy is toward those who fear him.

As far as the east is from the west— that is how far he has removed our rebellious acts from himself. As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him.

He certainly knows what we are made of. He bears in mind that we are dust.

Human life is as short-lived as grass. It blossoms like a flower in the field. When the wind blows over the flower, it disappears, and there is no longer any sign of it. [vss 11-16]

But from everlasting to everlasting, the Lord’s mercy is on those who fear him.

His righteousness belongs to their children and grandchildren, to those who are faithful to his promise [covenant] to those who remember to follow his guiding principles.

The Lord has set his throne in heaven. His kingdom rules everything.

Praise the Lord, all his angels, you mighty beings who carry out his orders and are ready to obey his spoken orders.

Praise the Lord, all his armies, his servants who carry out his will. Praise the Lord, all his creatures in all the places of his empire. Praise the Lord, my soul! [vss 17-22]

(Psalm 103:11-22 GW) [Context– Psalm 103]

Reflections and Insights

This psalm, especially these first few verses, is a great comfort to me. God's mercy and love exceed the vastness of the universe! This is the assurance we have when we fear the Lord—when we respect the Creator and Author of life with awe and wonder.

God understands our limited and frail human frames. God's mercy extends beyond the limits of our need for it. David understood the vastness of God and His mercy because of his own need for mercy. Instead of being overpowered by his personal failures and weakness, he trusted in the Lord.

Faith—a personal trust in God—requires us to look beyond ourselves, to look beyond our weakness, and our limitedness, and see His great majesty.

That's the reason David could proclaim the truths in this psalm. He understood how God sustained his life beyond life itself. He understood the everlasting nature of God's mercy.

When you consider the vastness of the universe, remember the immensity of God and His everlasting mercy.


Have you experienced God's great mercy? Have you learned to fear and respect God who rules over all creation? Learn to look beyond yourself to see God's merciful greatness as David did!

Prayer Focus—

If you have a small perception of God, look up and remember who He is! Consider the heavens in the daytime and the starry expanse at night, then ask God to remind you of your smallness compared to His greatness. Of His sovereign power and your powerlessness.

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