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How to Prevent Developing A Stubborn, Wicked, Unbelieving Heart

How to Prevent Developing A Stubborn, Wicked, Unbelieving Heart

Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

Are We Like Stubborn Toddlers

Have you ever watched a child's body language when they don't want to do something? They turn away, make a face, close their eyes, or shake their head, “No!” They're defiant and often stubborn in their defiance.

As we get older, although not necessarily more mature, we learn to do this in more subtle ways like passive-aggressive behavior. We may not seem openly contrary, just stubbornly resistant.

When we become stubbornly resistant toward God, we are like contrary toddlers. This defiance and stubbornness toward God hardens our hearts, which destroys our trust in the Lord.

Followers of Christ are called to spiritual growth and maturity. We are to become more and more like Jesus, whom we follow.

A few attributes we see in Jesus are—compassion, humility, and submission with obedience to the Father. What we see in Jesus is the exact opposite of a stubborn, toddler-like attitude.

Scripture Text

As the Holy Spirit says, “If you hear God speak today, don’t be stubborn. Don’t be stubborn like those who rebelled and tested me in the desert. That is where your ancestors tested me, although they had seen what I had done for 40 years. [vss 7-10a]

That is why I was angry with those people. So I said, ‘Their hearts continue to stray, and they have not learned my ways.’ So I angrily took a solemn oath that they would never enter my place of rest.” [vss 10b-11]

Be careful, brothers and sisters, that none of you ever develop a wicked, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. Encourage each other every day while you have the opportunity. If you do this, none of you will be deceived by sin and become stubborn. After all, we will remain Christ’s partners only if we continue to hold on to our original confidence until the end. [vss 12-14] (Hebrews 3:7-14 GW)

[Context– Hebrews 3]

Key Phrase —

If you hear God speak today, don’t be stubborn.

Dig Deeper Into the Text—

  • What does the Holy Spirit say and who is He speaking to?

  • What is said about those who rebelled? How are their attitudes and actions described?

  • What solemn warning is given? What encouragement is given?

Things to Consider—

This is the second of five strong warnings in the book of Hebrews. It warns against developing an unbelieving heart. Unbelief is the opposite of trust. It is spiritual cynicism and deceives the heart, causing us to turn away from God.

The original believers addressed in Hebrews considered returning to live under the Covenant Law of Moses. It’s what they knew best. But if they did so, they would be turning their backs on God.

The writer reminds these believers of the rebellion that resulted in Israel wandering in the wilderness for forty years. You can find this account in Numbers 14. Why did they rebel? Because they refused to trust in the Lord.

We can easily become hardened by sin and its deceptiveness, because of our willfulness—when we insist on our own will in opposition to God. How can this be countered?

Once we realize we have a hardened heart, we need to repent and surrender our hearts to the Lord. This is an act of trust.

Another way of preventing ourselves from developing a hard heart is through encouragement by others to stay on the course of trusting in God, rather than defying Him.

We need each other. We need the perspective that comes from being in fellowship with other believers in corporate worship. The enemy of our soul wants us to be isolated and stubborn.

God provides the Body of Christ—a community of believers turning toward God in trust—to keep us heading in the right direction. Turned toward God rather than turned into ourselves in willful stubbornness.

We can choose to be like defiant and stubborn children with God, or choose to trust Him.

What is your choice today?

Answer These Questions to Apply God’s Word in Your Life—

  • How do you guard your heart and mind from the deception of sin and hardening your heart?

  • What advice and encouragement are given that applies to believers today?

  • What are specific ways we can encourage and help each other continue trusting in the Lord?

Here’s a link to a free study guide for the book of Hebrews— Study Guide and Study Questions for Hebrews

Declare How Great, Compassionate, and Good the Lord Is

Declare How Great, Compassionate, and Good the Lord Is

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A Prayer to Be Rescued