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Declare How Great, Compassionate, and Good the Lord Is

Declare How Great, Compassionate, and Good the Lord Is

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Generational Responsibility

America is losing its rich heritage of pioneering generations to time. Why?

Because younger generations who don’t appreciate or understand the commitment and sacrifice of previous generations forget them. Instead, many people have an entitled arrogance and ignorance as they pursue self-gratification and empty praise.

People are often enamored with the latest pop star or famous athlete, yet indifferent toward World War II veterans and former leaders of integrity who paved the way for their freedom of expression.

Fame is fleeting. It does not last. Even notoriety fades quickly, especially in our day of instant media notifications—regardless if it’s true or false. As generations come and go, what was once great or sensational is forgotten. This is one of many reasons history repeats itself.

King David understood the fickleness of people, their unfaithfulness, and their short memories. He understood the need for each generation of God’s people to proclaim God’s greatness to the next generation.

This is still a need today. Each generation is responsible for declaring God’s greatness and goodness to succeeding generations. This is especially true in our secular culture with an increasing antagonism toward God and godly living.


A song of praise by David.

I will highly praise you, my God, the king. I will bless your name forever and ever.

I will bless you every day. I will praise your name forever and ever.

The Lord is great, and he should be highly praised. His greatness is unsearchable.

One generation will praise your deeds to the next. Each generation will talk about your mighty acts.

I will think about the glorious honor of your majesty and the miraculous things you have done.

People will talk about the power of your terrifying deeds, and I will tell about your greatness.

They will announce what they remember of your great goodness, and they will joyfully sing about your righteousness. [vss 1-7]

The Lord is merciful, compassionate, patient, and always ready to forgive.

The Lord is good to everyone and has compassion for everything that he has made.

Everything that you have made will give thanks to you, O Lord, and your faithful ones will praise you.

Everyone will talk about the glory of your kingdom and will tell the descendants of Adam about your might in order to make known your mighty deeds and the glorious honor of your kingdom.

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Your empire endures throughout every generation. [vss 8-13]

The Lord supports everyone who falls. He straightens ⌊the backs⌋ of those who are bent over.

The eyes of all creatures look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand, and you satisfy the desire of every living thing.

The Lord is fair in all his ways and faithful in everything he does.

The Lord is near to everyone who prays to him, to every faithful person who prays to him. He fills the needs of those who fear him.

He hears their cries for help and saves them. The Lord protects everyone who loves him, but he will destroy all wicked people.

My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and all living creatures will praise his holy name forever and ever. [vss 14-21]

(Psalm 145:1-21 GW) [Context– Psalm 145]

Reflections and Insights

Psalm 145 begins and ends with David’s commitment to praise the Lord. He tells why he praises God and how every generation needs to do likewise.

David gives us three things we need to communicate—God's greatness, His compassion, and His goodness. We are to share what we know through our own experience with the Lord and about the nature of God, which transcends every generation's experience and existence.

Here are a few things David reminds us in this psalm—

  • God's greatness is unsearchable—it's beyond our comprehension and capacity to know or communicate adequately.

  • The Lord is merciful, compassionate, patient, and always ready to forgive—this is His nature, unlike us.

  • The Lord is good to everyone and compassionate towards all He's created—His loving kindness exceeds whatever limits we think exist.

  • God's kingdom—His realm of sovereign rule—is an everlasting kingdom. It's far greater than that of any person or government on earth.

  • The Lord is fair and faithful and near to everyone who trusts in Him.

David reminds us why we are to praise God. He declares who the Lord is, His nature, and the nature of His kingdom. David also reminds us how the Lord is the great Shepherd over all He’s created.

Each generation is responsible for declaring to later generations the greatness, compassion, and goodness of the Lord. We are to do this with our voices and our lives—as living testimonies of who the Lord is and why we praise Him.


Have you realized God's greatness, compassion, and goodness in your own life? If so, have you declared this to anyone else, especially those of a younger generation?

Prayer Focus—

If you haven't experienced or realized God's greatness, compassion, and goodness, ask the Lord to remind you how He’s shown Himself to you already. If you’ve never known the Lord this way, pray—entrust your life to the Lord so He may welcome you into His everlasting kingdom.

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