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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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We Can Have One Sure Constant When Everything Else Changes

We Can Have One Sure Constant When Everything Else Changes

The Constancy of Change

I’m often asked what I miss most about our life and ministry overseas. The simple answer is the simplicity of life and, of course, our friends.

I don’t know about you, but I find the relentless pace of life and the constant barrage of information besieging us tiresome. It comes from so many sources—mobile phones, social media, news sources, and so on. On top of that, things like traffic and noise from a myriad of sources.

This constant flood of electronic and mechanical “noise” is overwhelming and reinforces the reality of the ever-changing nature of our world. The constant and continual change around us sets our minds spinning while we spin in our orbit around the sun each day.

Change itself seems constant and continual. Of course, new discoveries are made, but these often reveal what already was. New inventions bring change, yet the nature of people hasn't changed, nor have the necessities and priorities of daily life.

Continuous changes around us tend to distract us from the one constancy all people rely on more than anyone realizes. This constancy enables us to rise above the noise and turmoil of the world.

Scripture Text

God also said, “Lord, in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth. With your own hands you made the heavens.

They will come to an end, but you will live forever. They will all wear out like clothes. They will be taken off like a coat.

You will change them like clothes. But you remain the same, and your life will never end.

But God never said to any of the angels, “Take the honored position—the one next to me on the heavenly throne until I put your enemies under your control.”

What are all the angels? They are spirits sent to serve those who are going to receive salvation. (Hebrews 1:10-14 GW)

[Context– Hebrews 1]

Key Phrase —

But you remain the same, and your life will never end.

Dig Deeper Into the Text—

  • What is said here about Jesus the "Lord"? What does it say He did and who He is?

  • What is said about the Lord Himself in contrast to the earth?

  • What else is said about the angels in comparison to the Lord?

  • What is God's role for the angels? Who do the angels serve?

Things to Consider—

The Book of Hebrews was written to encourage followers of Jesus with Jewish heritage who were experiencing persecution. The persecution often came from Jewish people who rejected Jesus as their Messiah. The writer encourages them about the superiority of the Lord Jesus.

All that is said in these verses about the Lord and His angels is to reassure those who personally trust in Him (genuine believers). Our relationship with God, through His grace, is even amazing to the angels (1 Peter 1:12).

Sadly, some believers ignore or take this relationship for granted, as if it's expected, almost like a spiritual entitlement. But Jesus is our one sure constant in an ever-changing world.

Some people get the wrong idea about the role of angels and their interaction with people on earth. Angels are not our servants. God created them to serve as He chooses. Though we may benefit from the ministry (service) of angels, it's because the Lord directs them to do so. We are not to tell them to serve us.

These verses remind us of the Lord's eternal nature and presence, in contrast to the limitations of the created earth and angels. This is not to create a sense of distance between God and people but to reveal the extraordinary nature of a believer's relationship with the Lord of all creation.

God's original purpose when He created humanity was for a close, personal relationship. But this was broken when the first two humans followed the advice of an intermediary being (the serpent) rather than trusting in God (Gen 3:8-13).

Any trust placed in angels, or any other supernatural being, is a misplaced trust. Jesus is greater than any other spiritual being, including God's angels.

Jesus, the Son of God—the One who spoke things into existence (John 1:1-3), became human to restore this close, personal relationship between God and us.

God desires a restored relationship with you. Have you responded to His grace and love yet? Do you have a personal and restored relationship with God?

Answer These Questions to Apply God’s Word in Your Life—

  • How should we view current concerns about the earth in light of what's said here?

  • How does knowing the Creator of the earth bring assurance to you?

  • As you reflect on the eternal, steadfast nature of the Lord, how does this help you in your life today?

Here’s a link to a free study guide for the book of Hebrews— Study Guide and Study Questions for Hebrews

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