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All tagged wonder
What is worship? It's a simple word but hard to adequately explain or describe. How is worship expressed? There are myriads of forms and ways for worship to be expressed, along with many opinions about it.
Our current English word worship originally came from the old English word—worth-ship—the realization and response to someone of great value, power, or who is worthy of respect.
One of my earliest impressions of the existence of God came during a lunar eclipse. As I looked up into the starry night sky, my dad told me of the thousands of galaxies stretched out in every direction throughout the universe.
My four-year-old imagination tried to grasp the vastness of this limitless expansive universe. It scared me.
I remember asking, "What's beyond the universe?" He couldn't answer my question. Later in life, I realized God was beyond the universe because He is its Creator.
I love to watch tropical thunderstorms! The lightning, wind, rain, and thunder put on a great show, as long as you have shelter to watch it safely. But I don't like driving in these storms!
The power of nature, especially what we call natural disasters, ought to remind us of our Creator's power. It's wise to respect His power. This is an element of godly fear. Not anxiety but respect, awe, wonder.