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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Do You Have Ears to Hear the Most Important Voice?

Do You Have Ears to Hear the Most Important Voice?

Whose voice are you listening to?

Many voices call out to us… to be heard… to capture our attention.

Some voices are audible. Most are not. Like the continuous self-talk loop playing in our minds, or what we imagine or think others say about us. We hear echoes from the past of people and events embedded in our memory.

But do we hear the most important voice of all?

We may need to listen to or shun the subtle and silent voices in our minds. Some of these are our conscience, God's voice through His Spirit and His Word, our selfish nature, or the devil—our adversary and the enemy of our soul.

Our conscience is a subtle and silent voice we need to hear and heed. When we don't, we pay for it in the long run. Why? Because of choices we make or don't make in response to our conscience. When we ignore or shut out our conscience, we become deaf and hardened to it.

It's somewhat like the children's story of the boy who cried wolf. When a wolf came, the people ignored his cry for help, thinking it was another false alarm. 

When our conscience—empowered with the wisdom of God—calls out to warn us, we need to hear and respond to it. Why? Because there is a wolf—an adversary—looking for an opportunity to pounce on us and tear us apart.

Listen for the voice of Wisdom calling out to whoever will hear her.


Does not wisdom call out?

Does not understanding raise its voice?

⌊Wisdom⌋ takes its stand on high ground,

by the wayside where the roads meet, near the gates to the city.

At the entrance ⌊wisdom⌋ sings its song,

“I am calling to all of you, and my appeal is to all people." (Proverbs 8:1-4 GW)

(Context—Proverbs 8:1-11 GW)

Simple Insights

The wisdom of God can give us understanding and help us make sense of what confuses and confounds others. Its value is greater than silver, gold, or precious jewels—and yes, even cryptocurrency.

I've learned this lesson the hard way a few times.

I remember buying a new car contrary to the check from my conscience and input of my wife. A few months later, after the Lord confirmed we would move overseas for ministry, I sold it at a slight loss.

I didn’t listen to Wisdom’s voice.

How can we hear Wisdom’s voice?

The apostle James reminds us to ask God for wisdom when we lack it and He will generously give it to us (James 1:5). We need to make a choice each day of our life, even many choices within a day. We can ask God for wisdom or be foolish and gullible and pay the price for our ignorance.

Listen. Wisdom is calling out.

She's calling us out from the crowd who follow along with everyone else. When we listen to Wisdom—God's wisdom—we gain insight, knowledge, understanding, and foresight.

The wisdom of God is a treasure far more valuable than anything this world offers.


Wisdom is calling out. Can you hear her? Are you listening? She will give you insight, knowledge, understanding, and foresight that will benefit your daily life.

Prayer Focus—

Spend time each day listening in prayer. Put aside your list of needs and requests and take some time to just listen. God will speak wisdom to you if you're willing to listen.

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