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Many voices call out to us—to be heard—to capture our attention. Some are audible. Most are not.
We may need to listen to or shun the subtle and silent voices. Some of these are our conscience, God's voice through His Spirit and His Word, our own base, selfish nature, or the devil—our adversary and the enemy of our soul.
Our conscience is a subtle and silent voice we need to hear and heed. When we don't, we pay for it in the long run. Why? Because of choices we make or don't make in response to our conscience. When we ignore or shut out our conscience, we become deaf and hardened to it.
Open your ears to my prayer, O God. Do not hide from my plea for mercy. Pay attention to me, and answer me.
My thoughts are restless, and I am confused because my enemy shouts at me and a wicked person persecutes me.
They bring misery crashing down on me, and they attack me out of anger.
My heart is in turmoil. The terrors of death have seized me. Fear and trembling have overcome me. Horror has overwhelmed me.