Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday set aside for remembrance. A time to reflect on God's goodness and be thankful. This was its original purpose as a holiday as designated by Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Aside from the commercialism of our day, it can still be just that. People can wring their hands and lament the degradation of the holiday as a time of gluttony, drunkenness, and consumerism, or simply be thankful and content.

Our nation still affords us the opportunity of free choice and many other freedoms.

Thanksgiving holiday is an American tradition. It's been set aside as a national holiday by a few presidents as a time of reflection and gratitude. 

Of course, as with other things, the significance of Thanksgiving is lost for many.

Many times it's referred to as "Turkey Day," and for some, it's an excuse to eat and drink excessively while sitting in front of a TV.

It's also become a great marketing season that changes the focus of giving thanks to getting things.

Open your ears to my prayer, O God. Do not hide from my plea for mercy. Pay attention to me, and answer me.

My thoughts are restless, and I am confused because my enemy shouts at me and a wicked person persecutes me.

They bring misery crashing down on me, and they attack me out of anger.

My heart is in turmoil. The terrors of death have seized me. Fear and trembling have overcome me. Horror has overwhelmed me.

As people, we have a limited view of everything. It is impossible to see things from God's perspective except by faith, an implicit trust in Him.

Our life on earth is limited because it exists within a physical realm. We are finite (limited), God is infinite (unlimited). This applies not only to physical and natural limitations, but carries over into our thinking and perceptions of the truth.

Trouble comes in many forms. It's felt both internally and externally. Some troubles are easier to resolve than others. Pop psychology tells us not to worry about what we can't control, but we do.

We worry about the economy, the environment and global warming, and we fret over national and international violence. But really, what can we do about such things?

This psalm gives those who trust in God three assurances in the face of such worries beyond our control.