This psalm was written as a love song with a composite picture in mind of a Jewish king and his bride. It is considered a Messianic psalm because parts of it are quoted in Hebrews 1:8-9 in reference to Jesus Christ (Messiah).

The imagery and wording speak of a king who is immortal. It looks ahead to the long-awaited Jewish Messiah establishing His kingdom on earth. A kingdom noted for its eternal permanence, favor, and justice.

Today, social justice is a hot topic, but clamoring for justice is nothing new. Protests, even revolutions, are undertaken for the cause of justice. But true justice isn't a legal issue, it's a moral one.

We all make judgment calls. No one wants to be judged and I doubt anyone wants to be known as a judgmental person. But there are times when a judgment call is appropriate.

When it is obvious that certain people are harmful and cause problems, it's appropriate to warn others about them. This is what Paul does here, but notice it's not done with vindictiveness or malice. This is the responsibility of a leader, especially a pastor or elder in the church.

Slander is not okay, but just as a parent warns a child about some danger or dangerous person, pastoral leaders need to warn those under their care.