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All tagged Holy Spirit
Where do you shop for clothes? Do you go to thrift stores, big-box discount chain stores, trendy boutiques, or high-end stores? Or is most of your shopping online?
When do you shop? Do you wait for clearance sales or Black Fridays? Are you a last minute shopper or do you plan your shopping trips?
We Americans, known for our consumeristic culture, are overly focused on clothing. It's more than just covering our nakedness, it's often part of our identity.
But really, how important should it be? It depends on the clothing.
Most of us have heard of having either left or right brain dominance. Those who have a left-brain dominance are supposed to be more analytical, while those with right-brain dominance are more creative.
Art is defined as a creative skill or ability, and science is knowledge about something or study of a subject. Typically, art and science are seen as opposites, just as with left or right brain dominance.
And by the way, the idea of left or right brain dominance? It turns out to be a popular myth. So, maybe art and science aren't so opposite.
So much has been said and written about Jesus Christ over the centuries. Much of it is good and edifying, but not all of it.
Jesus—the man from Nazareth—had a polarizing effect on people. Many who followed Him were not those you'd expect. In fact, many theologians and religious leaders opposed Him.
But there's far more to the person of Jesus Christ than what is known historically. Who He is and the purpose of His presence on earth is often misunderstood.