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All in 5 Solas
Quoting a truth is easier than living it out in real life. Putting truth on a plaque or poster is nice, but it doesn't change a person's life.
Memorization of Scripture is good for retention, but it won't produce transformation in a person's life on its own. What we know in our minds doesn't automatically bring change in our hearts or our self-will.
Truth doesn't bring transformation until it's transferred from thought into action, which requires an active, personal faith.
I was a praise and worship leader for four decades. I suppose I could still lead, but my role in life and ministry is different now.
I miss that role at times, especially when I see leaders overly concerned with their performance and presentation of the music. It grieves me when I see this for that shouldn't be their focus.
It's easy to see that American culture exalts good performance and entertainers. But this is more of a human flaw than a cultural one.
So much has been said and written about Jesus Christ over the centuries. Much of it is good and edifying, but not all of it.
Jesus—the man from Nazareth—had a polarizing effect on people. Many who followed Him were not those you'd expect. In fact, many theologians and religious leaders opposed Him.
But there's far more to the person of Jesus Christ than what is known historically. Who He is and the purpose of His presence on earth is often misunderstood.