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When You Praise the Lord—Pull Out All the Stops!

When You Praise the Lord—Pull Out All the Stops!

What Is Worship?

How would you describe what worship is? How can we explain the act of worship in a simple way? I remember worship experiences where I felt transported to a higher dimension, a distinctly spiritual realm. But the act of worship defies description.

Worship is a simple word but is hard to adequately explain or describe. How is worship expressed? There are myriad forms and ways for worship to be expressed, along with many opinions about it.

Our current word worship originally came from the old English word—worth-ship—the realization and response to someone of great value, power, or who is worthy of respect.

I’ve heard attempts to define or describe worship that sound bland and academic. But when a person sees true worship they know it! Yet, when a person experiences the freedom and fulfillment of genuine worship, how to explain it eludes us.

It's like hearing a pipe organ at full volume in a great cathedral, as the organist pulls out all the stops or a great choir singing a cappella that fills a cathedral reaching toward heaven.

This psalm helps us understand worship with its exhortation for all creation in the heavenly realm and on earth to worship God. It declares—Pull out all the stops and praise Him! 

As you read through Psalm 148, imagine a heavenly and earthly choir singing in unison. Even better, listen to an audio version of Psalm 148 with your eyes closed so you can see it in your mind’s eye.



Praise the Lord from the heavens. Praise him in the heights above.

Praise him, all his angels. Praise him, his entire heavenly army. Praise him, sun and moon. Praise him, all shining stars. Praise him, you highest heaven and the water above the sky.

Let them praise the name of the Lord because they were created by his command.

He set them in their places forever and ever. He made it a law that no one can break. [vss 1-6]

Praise the Lord from the earth.

Praise him, large sea creatures and all the ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and fog, strong winds that obey his commands, mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedar trees, wild animals and all domestic animals, crawling animals and birds,

kings of the earth and all its people, officials and all judges on the earth, young men and women, old and young together.

Let them praise the name of the Lord because his name is high above all others. His glory is above heaven and earth.

He has given his people a strong leader, someone praiseworthy for his faithful ones, for the people of Israel, the people who are close to him.

Hallelujah! [vss 7-14]

(Psalm 148:1-14 GW) [Context– Psalm 148]

Reflections and Insights

Psalm 148 exhorts worshippers in two realms—heaven and earth. This psalm begins and ends with the great universal expression of praise and worship—Hallelujah! The encouragement to praise the Lord is declared at least twelve times.

All heavenly beings and the heavenly elements of creation are called upon to exalt their Creator and Eternal Ruler. We find a glimpse of this in the gospel of Luke, as the birth of Jesus is announced to the shepherds near Bethlehem (Luke 2:8-14).

Then the earthly realm is encouraged to praise the Creator and Sovereign overall. This includes all the elements of creation on earth and all beings on earth, from animals to kings. Why?

... because his name is high above all others. His glory is above heaven and earth. (vs 13)

The glory, majesty, and splendor of God exceed the honor of whatever and whoever is on earth. A simple illustration of this is the awe we sense when viewing a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Words fall short and a photo can’t capture the sense of awe.

We all know that sense of awe. It is the seed planted in our hearts that grows into worship! Our worship doesn’t need to be confined to a formal or informal church setting.

Genuine worship is the overflow of the gratitude in our hearts to God—our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. Whether you are with other worshippers or alone—Praise the Lord!


When was the last time you stopped to watch a sunrise or sunset or took in a breathtaking landscape? Make time to see the glory and splendor of God displayed in the heavens and earth and join in the heavenly and earthly chorus of praise!

Prayer Focus—

When you don’t feel like praising God, ask the Lord to help you see His glorious majesty with the eyes of your heart and mind. You could even go out for a prayer walk to help you gain a clearer perspective of who the Lord is and why we are to praise Him.

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