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The Value and Fulfillment of Praise

The Value and Fulfillment of Praise

The Importance of Praise

Hallelujah is a universally known expression of praise. It literally means—Praise the LORD! The LORD—the Self-Existent and Eternal One.

The need for praise in some form is also universal. It's connected to the basic need of every soul who cries out for acceptance and approval—pure love.

Our pets demonstrate a similar need for attention and affection. Studies even show people with pets are usually happier because of the mutual care between the pet and their master.

However, an unintended but common consequence of the attention and affection shown to pets is the lack of showing the same to people, especially significant others.

The reason for this is complex. Why? Because relationships with people are complicated. Inevitably, unmet expectations result in disappointments and hurts.

Another inherent human need is to express praise, not just receive it. Something comes alive in us when we express genuine, heartfelt praise. It fills us with joy and contentment.

As a parent and grandparent, I receive joy and love when I show my joy and love for my children and grandchildren. This is mutually beneficial.

Likewise, when I express my love and affection to my wife, I enjoy a connection and fulfillment I miss out on when I keep my thoughts and words of love and affection inside, unexpressed.

Praise expressed and received is healthy for us!



Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament!

Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! [vss 1-2]

Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp!

Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!

Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! [vss 3-5]

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Hallelujah! [vs 6]

(Psalm 150:1-6 GW) [Context– Psalm 150]

Reflections and Insights

Psalm 150 is the final expression of praise in this collection of prayers and songs in the Book of Psalms.

This short psalm of praise serves as a conclusion for all five books or collections of Psalms. It reminds us that we are all created for a greater purpose than what typically fills our lives.

Psalm 150 encourages every living being, including ourselves, to worship God in various ways. We are to praise Him for who He is and for what He’s done. How are we to praise God? With all sorts of musical instruments, especially with our voices.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (verse 6)

God breathed life into us. He sustains our life. He provides a means of knowing Him intimately and personally. When we praise Him in a genuine way, we experience fulfillment and freedom not found anywhere else with anyone else on earth.

Only one word adequately expresses that sense of true fulfillment and freedom—Hallelujah!


Do you know or desire to know true fulfillment and freedom deep within your soul? God—the Creator and Sustainer of all life—calls us into a universal chorus of praise with all creation to be expressed in many ways. Join in with your own Hallelujah!

Prayer Focus—

When daily life seems difficult or dull, lift your voice to God in praise. If that seems impossible at the moment, ask the Lord to remind you how He’s worked in your life before. Ask Him to help you consider His blessings in your life, and then praise Him for all of that.

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