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What Does God Really Want from His People?

What Does God Really Want from His People?

Photo by Eric Mok on Unsplash

A common question

“What does God want from me?” People often ask this question as if there’s no clear answer. But there is a straightforward answer. And it’s a simple one. We ask this question many times out of frustration (or irritation) when things don’t go well, or don’t go as we expect or want.

God gives explicit instruction in several places in the Scriptures on what He wants from those who trust in Him. Insight and instruction about what He desires from people. It’s not complicated, but it’s not always what we want to hear.

Our problem—all people, everywhere—is that we want what we want. No matter how selfless we try to be, we are self-centered. We’re focused on ourselves because of our self-will. And we can’t understand what God wants unless we align our will with His.

Again, it’s not complicated. We just need to listen to what God says.

This psalm by Asaph tells us what God wants. It isn’t what most people would expect. Remember, when reading this psalm (as with all the psalms) keep in mind who it is written to and when it was written.


A psalm by Asaph.

The Lord, the only true God, has spoken. He has summoned the earth from where the sun rises to where it sets. God shines from Zion, the perfection of beauty.

Our God will come and will not remain silent. A devouring fire is in front of him and a raging storm around him. He summons heaven and earth to judge his people:

“Gather around me, my godly people who have made a pledge to me through sacrifices.” The heavens announce his righteousness because God is the judge. Selah [vss 1-6]

“Listen, my people, and I will speak. Listen, Israel, and I will testify against you: I am God, your God! I am not criticizing you for your sacrifices or burnt offerings, which are always in front of me.

⌊But⌋ I will not accept ⌊another⌋ young bull from your household or a single male goat from your pens.

Every creature in the forest, ⌊even⌋ the cattle on a thousand hills, is mine. I know every bird in the mountains. Everything that moves in the fields is mine.

If I were hungry, I would not tell you, because the world and all that it contains are mine. Do I eat the meat of bulls or drink the blood of goats? [vss 7-13]

Bring ⌊your⌋ thanks to God as a sacrifice, and keep your vows to the Most High. Call on me in times of trouble. I will rescue you, and you will honor me.”

Whoever offers thanks as a sacrifice honors me. I will let everyone who continues in my way see the salvation that comes from God.” [vss 14-15, 23]

(Psalm 50:1-15, 23 GW)

Reflections and Insights

In this psalm, God tells us a few basics that are echoed in other places in the Bible about what He wants from anyone who claims Him as their God.

The simple answer to this common question focuses on our relationship with God, not our acts of worship or service. God is more concerned with our hearts than with our attempts to appease Him.

  • Bring your thanks to God as you would a sacrifice

  • Keep your vows—keep your promises to Him and others

  • Call on Him when trouble comes (He wants us to)

  • When He rescues you, honor and acknowledge Him

  • When you offer thanks as a sacrifice, you honor God and He will bless you

These are basics, and they carry a promise of blessing. God promises redemption—eternal redemption—when we continue to honor and trust Him with thankful hearts and mouths. Here are a few simple thoughts about what our part is in this mutual relationship.

We please God when we are thankful—in all situations and all times.

It pleases Him when we acknowledge Him as our primary provider and protector, and realize His presence is with us wherever we go.

God wants us to keep our word—our commitment—to do what we say we’re going to do. He wants us to be faithful and honest.

The Lord wants us to seek Him and make our relationship with Him our first priority. His promise to us extends beyond daily life into eternity.


What are you thankful for today? Have you expressed this to the Lord? Are you willing to be thankful even when it seems like a sacrifice?

Prayer Focus—

Ask God to help you develop a thankful heart at all times and for all things. Ask for His help in all situations, especially to help you be faithful to your word to Him and to others.

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