A Better Promise Guaranteed —
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A Better Promise Guaranteed

A Better Promise Guaranteed

Guarantees and Promises

A common tactic used for selling something is to give a guarantee. Of course, the hook might come with some catches like time limits or other restrictions. “Money-back” guarantees are most appealing.

You can also buy extended service plans and some credit cards offer extended warranties. But remember, guarantees or warranties are only as good as the one who provides them, whether it’s a person or a company. Are they trustworthy? Will they stay in business?

Another limitation is whatever is being guaranteed. Any item or service, even a life insurance policy, is limited because it’s temporary. A life insurance policy is only in force while a person is alive and pays out when they die, if the requirements of the policy are met.

But what about a human soul? It’s contained within a physical body, but it exists beyond physical life. What kind of guarantee is there for life after death and eternity, or is there any? Again, it depends on who issues the guarantee.

All human promises and guarantees are limited. Limited because, unlike God, we are human. God is eternal, infinite, and sovereign. What He guarantees is trustworthy. He is faithful, as are His promises.

Scripture Text

The former requirements [the Law] are rejected because they are weak and useless. Moses’ Teachings couldn’t accomplish everything that God required. But we have something else that gives us greater confidence and allows us to approach God. [vss 18-19]

None of this happened without an oath. The men from the tribe of Levi may have become priests without an oath, but Jesus became a priest when God took an oath. God said about him, “The Lord has taken an oath and will not change his mind. You are a priest forever.” In this way Jesus has become the guarantee of a better promise. [vss 20-22]  (Hebrews 7:18-22 GW)

[Context– Hebrews 7]

Key Phrase —

Jesus has become the guarantee of a better promise.

Dig Deeper Into the Text—

  • What “former requirements” were rejected?”

  • In what way was the Law of Moses "weak and useless," and why couldn't it make anything perfect?

  • What gives believers a greater confidence and allows us to come near to God?

  • How did Jesus become the guarantee of a better promise?

Things to Consider—

Jesus guarantees entrance into God’s presence and the hope of eternal life. How does He guarantee this? Because He’s indestructible!

Jesus died physically on the cross, but because He’s eternal by nature. He rose from the dead. Jesus is our personal guarantee. Our trust in Him and His redemptive work on the cross brings assurance to our souls.

Through a personal relationship with Jesus by God’s grace, we have a better hope than offered by the Law. So, we have the confidence to come into His presence at any time, in any circumstance (Heb 4:14-16).

Faith (personal trust) in Jesus needs to become more real to us than anything physical, anything in this world. The only way this will happen is through deepening our confidence in Him in every way in our daily life. This requires genuine trust, not accumulated theological beliefs.

Again, Jesus is our personal guarantee for eternal life. He’s also guaranteed our access into the very presence of God.

Answer These Questions to Apply God’s Word in Your Life—

  • How does having a personal relationship with Jesus give us a better and lasting hope?

  • Do you have a personal assurance and genuine confidence to approach God in prayer and worship?

  • Has your faith grown in a way that your hope in Jesus seems more real and genuine?

  • How are you growing in your faith? Is your relationship with Jesus becoming deeper and closer?

Here’s a link to a free study guide for the book of Hebrews— Study Guide and Study Questions for Hebrews

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