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How can fear bring blessing? When it's the right type of fear. This psalm speaks of the fear of God and declares the blessing it brings. The fear of God is often misunderstood by believers and non-believers alike.
It's a matter of priorities. When a person honors the Lord—realizing who He is and how powerful yet merciful He is—blessing will follow.
It's common to all of us. It's referred to as the darkness of the soul. The expression is linked to a 16th-century poem written by a Spanish monk.
The dark night of the soul is more than depression or a crisis in life. It is related to a crisis of faith that leads to hope and meaning in life.
While in it, it's easy to focus on the darkness itself—a time of spiritual depression—but there's light at the end of the tunnel when we turn our hearts to God.
Acceptance and approval are important for our sense of well-being. Children long for and need this from parents, siblings, and grandparents. When they don't receive it from family, they look to others for it.
There's both a sense of peace and joy when we experience acceptance and approval. How much more so when we know God's acceptance and approval.
Many times I've heard music playing in the background at restaurants, doctor's offices, and in some stores. It used to be called Muzak, a mix of pop songs dressed up like an orchestra playing classical music. It was typically bland and monotonous.
Popular Christian music on "family-friendly" radio stations can sound the same way. The same songs played over and over and in modified versions. I can only listen to it for a short while.