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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Praise in His Presence


Shout happily to the Lord, all the earth. 

Serve the Lord cheerfully.

Come into his presence with a joyful song. 

Realize that the Lord alone is God. He made us, and we are his. We are his people and the sheep in his care. [vss 1-3]

Enter his gates with a song of thanksgiving.

Come into his courtyards with a song of praise.

Give thanks to him; praise his name.

The Lord is good. His mercy endures forever. His faithfulness endures throughout every generation. [vss 4-5]

A psalm of thanksgiving. (Psalms 100:1-5 GW)

Acceptance and approval are important for our sense of well-being. Children long for and need this from parents, siblings, and grandparents. When they don't receive it from family, they look to others for it.

There's both a sense of peace and joy when we experience acceptance and approval. How much more so when we know God's acceptance and approval.

This is a psalm of praise and thanksgiving (see "guide" download below). It's a song of celebrations and acknowledgment. This psalm was written to sing while bringing a sacrifice [offering] of thanksgiving into the temple.

Before the Lord Jesus came and opened a new way to God's presence, the temple represented heaven on earth for God's people. Now, we can know God's acceptance and approval and enter His presence by faith.

The expressions of praise and thanksgiving are in acknowledgment of who God is and of His blessing for those who trust in Him.

It's God who created us, we didn't create ourselves. There are no "self-made" men or women in God's kingdom. The Lord is our Shepherd and we are the flock under His care.

Just like children who are confident of their acceptance and approval within their family, we are assured of God's goodness, mercy, and faithfulness as we confidently enter His presence. This brings a settling peace in our hearts and minds and fills us with overflowing joy!

Have you experienced God's peace and joy as you offer praise and thanks to Him?

This short psalm is a quick read and a great way to begin each day!


Would you like a free study guide for your study of Psalms?

Click Here to get a Free Psalms Study Guide

I won't cover all 150 Psalms, but do selective devotionals through the rest of Psalms.

So if I skip one that you like... let me know and I'll try to cover it!

Always Ready to Forgive

A New Song