All tagged presence

The tent (or tabernacle) during the time of Moses, and later the temple King Solomon built, represented the dwelling place of God on earth. Moses was told to build the tent (tabernacle) according to the pattern God gave him (Heb 8:5).

When the people of Israel traveled through the desert wilderness and then into the Promised Land, the tent of God's presence was a place of strength and security for them. It reminded God's people that their God was a living God, present with them, and His protection was more powerful than any army on earth.

Trouble comes in many forms. It's felt both internally and externally. Some troubles are easier to resolve than others. Pop psychology tells us not to worry about what we can't control, but we do.

We worry about the economy, the environment and global warming, and we fret over national and international violence. But really, what can we do about such things?

This psalm gives those who trust in God three assurances in the face of such worries beyond our control.