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Science isn't as reliable as you might think. Many spurious scientific claims and discoveries are and can be proven false.
For example, Cold Fusion—the 1989 claim of two scientists that energy could be produced via electrolysis of heavy water—could not be replicated nor verified by other scientists.
Recently, the claim of parallel universes being a possibility is making a comeback of sorts on the internet. The operative word is possibility. Since it can't be proven or disproven, people can hold onto this as some hope for life beyond our planet.
It's been said, "the eyes are the windows to the soul." This is a popular version of similar expressions throughout history. A person's eyes are a truer indication of the state of their soul than their facial expression and words.
In this case, the eyes are windows for others to look inside another person—into their soul, their heart. A person can wear a smile on their face while trying to cover the grief within them that's seen in their eyes.
Sound bites reign in this day and age. For the most part, sound bites are quotes yanked our of a larger context. They're truncated thoughts disconnected from a whole sentence, conversation, or speech. These brief expressions often give a distorted sense of all that was said.
We all blurt out things we later regret or need to explain, and some of us do this more than others, especially when we allow our emotions or passions drive us.
"What does God want from me?" People often ask this question as if there's no clear answer.
But there is.
This question is asked many times out of frustration (or irritation) when things don't go well, or don't go as expected or wanted.