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Live a Full-Color Life by Faith in a Black-and-White World

Live a Full-Color Life by Faith in a Black-and-White World

We need a hope that is sure

We all go through times when life is hard and even seems unbearable. I know my wife and I endured times of loss, grief, tragedy, separation from family and friends, and other difficulties we all have throughout life.

When things are not good, it's easy to get discouraged. Discouragement can lead to depression and a sense of hopelessness and despair. The antidote, of course, is hope. We need to believe things will get better.

A belief that things will get better needs to rest on a hope that is sure. Otherwise, it would be a false confidence—a shallow faith and an empty hope.

Our personal trust in the Lord Jesus enabled my wife and me to endure many years of ups and downs in our life. Our faith in the Lord strengthened us in lighter times to sustain us in darker days.

Although real life is not black and white, we can view it that way—as either good or bad. Maybe you've seen graphics that have part of a photo in black and white with one portion or half in color. It's a dramatic change and contrast. Faith enables a person to see in color.

Faith enables us to see beyond the dichotomies of good and evil, righteous and wicked, or even life and death. This psalm illustrates this. It’s a long psalm, so I’ve selected these verses that direct us toward a sure hope and sound confidence in the Lord.


For the choir director; a psalm by David; a song.

God will arise. His enemies will be scattered.

Those who hate him will flee from him.

Blow them away like smoke.

Let wicked people melt in God’s presence like wax next to a fire.

But let righteous people rejoice.

Let them celebrate in God’s presence. Let them overflow with joy.

Sing to God; make music to praise his name.

Make a highway for him to ride through the deserts.

The Lord is his name. Celebrate in his presence.

The God who is in his holy dwelling place

is the father of the fatherless and the defender of widows.

God places lonely people in families.

He leads prisoners out of prison into productive lives,

but rebellious people must live in an [dry] unproductive land. (vss 1-6)

Thanks be to the Lord, who daily carries our burdens for us.

God is our salvation. Selah

Our God is the God of victories.

The Almighty Lord is our escape from death. (vss 19-20)

You kingdoms of the world, sing to God.

Make music to praise the Lord. Selah

God, the God of Israel, is awe-inspiring in his holy place.

He gives strength and power to his people. Thanks be to God! (vss 32, 35)

(Psalm 68:1-6, 19-20, 32, 35 GW) [Context– Psalm 68]

Reflections and Insights

It’s believed by several Bible commentators that this psalm relates to the time when King David brought the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem (2 Sam Chap 6). This moved David to passionate praise and worship, dancing before the Lord in the procession to bring the ark back to its place in the tabernacle.

The ark of the covenant was a reminder that God is faithful and sovereign, and He alone is the source of freedom and victory for those who trust in Him.

At first, we're reminded of God's sovereign power, but we also see His gracious care as a Father— 

The God who is in his holy dwelling place is the father of the fatherless and the defender of widows. God places lonely people in families. He leads prisoners out of prison into productive lives… (Psa 68:5, 6 GW)

This verse was a foundational truth for the ministry the Lord gave us in the Philippines, as we cared for abandoned and abused children and young women. The apostle James, the half-brother of Jesus, said this is “pure religion” (James 1:27).

It reflects the nature of God, who is a father to the fatherless, places the lonely in families, and sets prisoners free. The prophet Isaiah echoed this, and it was the mission of Jesus (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:17-21). It is still the nature of God and His mission for all those who would trust in Him.

The truth of God’s gracious care for all those who are powerless and needy is emphasized again in a prophetic sense of the personal intervention of God through His Son Jesus, the Messiah, the Savior of the world (Eph 4:7-10)—

Thanks be to the Lord, who daily carries our burdens for us. God is our salvation. Selah

Our God is the God of victories. The Almighty Lord is our escape from death. (vss 19-20)

Notice the selah inserted between these two verses. It’s a reminder to pause and reflect on the first truth before we declare the second one. We need to be ever thankful for how the Lord carries our burdens daily, and that He alone is our means of salvation—deliverance from sin and evil.

Second, when we realize and acknowledge God’s sovereign and continuous help in our lives, we can proclaim who He is and our hope in Him. As a savior, He rescues us from what we are powerless to overcome on our own.

Finally, when we are in a relationship with God by faith, He transfers some of His power and strength to those who trust in Him. He gives us hope and enables us to overcome what seem to be impossible obstacles in our lives.

He gives strength and power to his people. Thanks be to God! (vs 35)

Have you learned to live beyond black-and-white days in a full-color life by faith?

When life seems overwhelming or you just feel trapped, trust in the One who alone enables you to see beyond the immediate with hope through His strength and power.


Faith enables a person to see in color. Faith enables us to see beyond the dichotomies of good and evil, righteous and wicked, or even life and death.

Prayer Focus—

When life seems overwhelming, reach out to the Lord in prayer. Trust in the One who alone enables you to see beyond the immediate with hope and confidence because of His loving kindness.

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