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Jesus Is Our Living Bridge to the Father

Jesus Is Our Living Bridge to the Father

Photo by Asap PANG on Unsplash

Our Living Bridge

God is often misunderstood or simply unknown to many people. Why? Ignorance and indifference are major factors, of course, but for those who claim to be believers, there's no acceptable excuse.

God came to earth in human form. All four gospels give eyewitness accounts of this. Indeed, this is what the celebration of Christmas ought to be all about. And yet, misunderstandings and ignorance prevail at Christmastime.

Sometimes we might overemphasize the spiritual but overlook the human factor of who Jesus is. Think about it. God once had flesh and bones, lived a daily life on earth, was part of a family, and was in community with other people.

Jesus, the Son of God, experienced a genuine human life for over 30 years. Although in a different time in history and culture, He experienced life as we know it.

For all those who trust in Him, He is our living bridge to God the Father. Our living bridge to heaven.

Scripture Text

Every chief priest is chosen from humans to represent them in front of God, that is, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sin. The chief priest can be gentle with people who are ignorant and easily deceived, because he also has weaknesses. Because he has weaknesses, he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins in the same way that he does for the sins of his people. No one takes this honor for himself. Instead, God calls him as he called Aaron. [vss 1-4]

So Christ did not take the glory of being a chief priest for himself. Instead, the glory was given to him by God, who said,

“You are my Son. Today I have become your Father.” (Psalm 2:7)

In another place in Scripture, God said,

“You are a priest forever, in the way Melchizedek was a priest.” (Psalm 110:4)

During his life on earth, Jesus prayed to God, who could save him from death. He prayed and pleaded with loud crying and tears, and he was heard because of his devotion to God. [vss 5-7]

Although Jesus was the Son of God, he learned to be obedient through his sufferings. After he had finished his work, he became the source of eternal salvation for everyone who obeys him. God appointed him chief priest in the way Melchizedek was a priest.  [vss 8-10] (Hebrews 5:1-10 GW)

[Context– Hebrews 5]

Key Phrase —

He became the source of eternal salvation for everyone who obeys Him.

Dig Deeper Into the Text—

  • What are we told about the office of a high priest?

  • Who chose Jesus to be a high priest? How is He different from previous high priests?

  • What are we told that Jesus did and experienced in His life on earth?

  • What did Jesus learn from suffering? Does this surprise you?

Things to Consider—

Because Jesus became human like us, He experienced our weaknesses and human struggles. He is the perfect bridge between God the Father and us. As the apostle John tells us, “God is Spirit” (John 4:24). He’s not a mere human like us.

Jesus was human, yet unblemished by sin and a selfish nature as we are. We're told He learned obedience by what He suffered. But wait. If He was perfect, without sin, why would He need to learn obedience? Aren't we to obey Him?

Because Jesus endured suffering, He's able to relate to us in our suffering. Jesus experienced our human condition in a physical body so He can relate to us in a personal way. 

We're also told Jesus prayed with loud cries and tears. One revealing time was in the garden of Gethsemane (Matt 26:36-44), as He asked the Father to escape the agony of the cross. Yet, He surrendered His will to the Father. He obeyed the Father.

He showed us the way to live an obedient, trusting life with God. He became our living bridge and went ahead of us, so He could secure the way for all those who trust in Him. Jesus is our living bridge into God’s presence—heaven.

Answer These Questions to Apply God’s Word in Your Life—

  • Do you see how the humanity of Jesus helps us relate to Him as our Savior?

  • Does this Scripture text reassure you how Jesus can relate to us in our humanity?

  • Have you come to trust in Jesus as your living bridge to God the Father?

  • Have you learned to surrender your will to Him in obedient trust?

Here’s a link to a free study guide for the book of Hebrews— Study Guide and Study Questions for Hebrews

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