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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

If you’d like to order multiple copies at a discount on any of my books, please get in touch with me via email or the contact form for details!

Here’s my Amazon Author Page

"It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas!"

"It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas!"

I borrowed an old song title to announce a BOGO of sorts.

I’ve published a new book (digital version) called, Glimmers of Light in the Darkness of Life. The subtitle is—Existential Reflections for Everyday Life. It’s a group of 30 devotional studies from the book of Ecclesiastes.

Here’s the BOGO—

For the first 10 people who buy the ebook version of Glimmers of Light in the Darkness of Life, and write a review of it on Amazon, I’ll send a signed copy of the printed version!

Guidelines for this BOGO—

  1. Buy and download the ebook version of Glimmers of Light in the Darkness of Life 

  2. Then post a review of it after you read it, even if it’s a quick read (it ain’t rocket science!)

    • What you liked… what was helpful to you… what encouraged you most… your overall impression, etc.– and of course, 5-star reviews are most appreciated! 

  3. Then send me “proof” you downloaded the ebook AND a US mailing address via FB Messenger or email. [Sorry, my international friends, I can only do this for US mailing addresses!]

  4. I’ll send you a signed print version (paperback) of the book from the first shipment I order!

  5. Do all the above by January 1, 2023 (or thereabouts)

So… how will you know if you’re one of the first 10?

Surprise! You’ll know when you get your signed copy in the mail!

“But wait there’s more…!” What if you’re the 11th or 12th or… person? I’ll give you a discount on the full price! (I’ll work out the details with whoever qualifies).

Sound like a deal?!

Merry Christmas!!!

Here’s the link to get you to Amazon— Glimmers of Light in the Darkness of Life

Oh yeah, what about the weekly devo? BOGO again! Well, except you don’t have to buy one to get one— they’re both free!

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Jesus Is Both the Messenger of God and God's Message

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Fulfilling God's Greater Purpose in Your Life