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Fulfilling God's Greater Purpose in Your Life

Fulfilling God's Greater Purpose in Your Life

Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash

A time to pause and reflect

As I write this, we’ve celebrated Thanksgiving Day in our nation and now look forward to Christmas. Many churches begin their celebration of Christmas known as Advent. It starts on the fourth Sunday of November or the first Sunday of December for four weeks.

Advent tradition includes lighting four candles, one each Sunday, and reading selected Scriptures leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. This year (2022) Christmas Day falls on the fourth Sunday of December when the fourth candle is to be lit.

Although our local church doesn’t observe Advent traditionally, I appreciate the tradition. It’s a time set aside with anticipation and reflection of the significance of Christ’s birth—Immanuel, God with us (Matt 1:23).

It’s an opportunity to pause and pull back from the busyness of life and the commercialized frenzy of the Christmas season to remember why we celebrate Christmas. There is great value in pausing from the busyness of life, regardless of the season or time of year.

When we take time to pause and reflect, we can remember God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and His great mercies. It’s good to reorient ourselves to an eternal perspective, reminding us of our place and purpose in life within God’s kingdom.

It’s always good to give thanks to God—every day and throughout each day. We also need to pull back from the urgency of our daily life to remember God created us for a greater purpose than attending to the immediate demands of the day.

Psalm 67 is short. It is written to be sung in prayerful worship to the Lord by a group of believers. As you read through it, imagine it sung by a great choir of voices!


For the choir director; on stringed instruments; a psalm; a song.

May God have pity on us and bless us!

May he smile on us. Selah

Then your ways will be known on earth, your salvation throughout all nations.

Let everyone give thanks to you, O God. Let everyone give thanks to you.

Let the nations be glad and sing joyfully

because you judge everyone with justice

and guide the nations on the earth. Selah

Let the people give thanks to you, O God.

Let all the people give thanks to you.

The earth has yielded its harvest.

May God, our God, bless us.

May God bless us, and may all the ends of the earth worship him.

(Psalm 67:1-7 GW) [Context– Psalm 67]

Reflections and Insights

This is a short psalm, yet great in its purpose. It draws on the blessing of the high priest upon Israel found in Numbers 6:24-26. Psalm 67 also echoes God’s purpose for Israel—why He made them His people. They were to be an example—a light—to all other nations of a people who worship the One, True, and Living God.

Note where the two Selahs are placed in this psalm. These are intended as pauses—most likely to give time to reflect on what was just expressed. The first selah follows a request for God’s blessing.

The second selah comes after a request for the Lord’s ways and salvation to be made known throughout all nations—all peoples of the world. This was Israel’s God-appointed purpose—to make the True and Living God known to everyone.

This should be a reminder of God’s greater purpose for our lives. He shows us His favor so we may be light-bearers who tell those trapped in the darkness of sin who God is. God is just and will extend justice (equity) to all those who trust in Him so that all people may know His favor and righteousness.

God shows us His favor for a purpose beyond ourselves. When God’s favor—His mercy and kindness—shines upon our lives as we trust Him, others take notice. We become a living example of God’s grace.

When believers with a personal relationship with God have joy amid challenging times, people around them see it. When we have peace in times of turmoil, our life is a testimony to others of God’s favor. In this way, God’s ways are made known to others.

When we proclaim who the Lord is and His ways that lead to freedom and eternal life to those we encounter in life, we fulfill what the psalmist says—

Then your ways will be known on earth, your salvation throughout all nations. Let everyone give thanks to you, O God. Let everyone give thanks to you. (Psa 67:2-3 GW)


How have you seen God’s favor in your life? How has the Lord shown through your life to others? People will be more inclined to praise and fear (respect) the Lord when they see God’s favor shining through our life.

Prayer Focus—

Ask the Lord to fill you with His joy and to shine His favor on you in a fresh way so that you may be a shining example of the Lord’s grace to others. Ask the Lord to give you favor with those you encounter in daily life to fulfill God’s greater purpose through you.

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