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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Countering Evil in the World with Godly Wisdom

Countering Evil in the World with Godly Wisdom

An ancient reality

You don’t need great observation skills to realize the intense rancor and acrimony present in American culture. Regardless of your political persuasion, it’s easy to get caught up in this war of words or to be affected by them.

Hypocrisy runs rampant. The cable news networks and social media are full of accusations and judgments. As one group sends their salvo of words against the other, the other side counters with their attacks.

Cries for social justice ring out while victims of injustice and violence mount. One group talks over the other, yet a majority of people are unheard.

It reminds me of the “Doublethink” and “Newspeak” found in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984. What Orwell imagined over 70 years ago takes place every day. Although it’s not perpetrated by a totalitarian government as Orwell portrayed, it is a social control imposed by people with influence and power.

Is this something God-fearing people need to fight? We need to resist it. But we need to understand the source of this coercive push to resist it.

It is not a modern or post-modern phenomenon. It’s an ancient reality.


“I, Wisdom, live with insight, and I acquire knowledge and foresight.

To fear the Lord is to hate evil.

I hate pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and twisted speech.

Advice and priceless wisdom are mine.

I, Understanding, have strength."

I love those who love me.

Those eagerly looking for me will find me. (Proverbs 8:12-14, 17, GW)

(Context—Proverbs 8:12-21 GW)

Simple Insights

Evil is real and present in our world. We typically characterize evil as moral vileness or violent and intimidating power. But not all evil is that obvious.

Evil is often more subtle and secretive. It doesn't want to be exposed. It doesn't want to be discovered nor accept responsibility for its own evil nature and actions.

This was a conclusion determined by famed author and psychiatrist, M. Scott Peck MD, in his book, "People of the Lie."

The Bible reveals the first instance of evil with the introduction of lying and sin into the world. The devil appeared to the first humans as a clever talking creature who convinced them to believe a lie—that God was holding out some great thing from them. It was a lie then and still is a lie (Gen 3:1-10).

I've encountered several people who seemed to be good people—morally and spiritually—yet were evil in nature. Some were leaders and Bible teachers in church ministry.

When their true nature revealed itself, it was apparent they loved themselves above all. They didn't fear God.

To fear God isn't to be filled with an anxious fear of Him—it's based on trust and respect. Wisdom hates evil, as it says here—

I hate pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and twisted speech. (Prov 8:13 GW)

When a person doesn’t fear the Lord, it fills them with pride and arrogance, which results in evil behavior and twisted speech—lies and actions based on lies. They avoid responsibility for their own sin and wicked ulterior motives.

The only protection from such evil is to gain wisdom and insight from God. Here is what Wisdom says—

I love those who love me. Those eagerly looking for me will find me. (Prov 8:17 GW)

A while back, I wrote about Wisdom calling out to us and our need to listen and heed it. It’s a continuing call that is often unheeded by those who need it most.


Do you love the wisdom of God? Do you fear God in the biblical sense? God's wisdom is more than able to keep you from falling into evil and give you discernment when you come into the presence of those who are evil in nature.

Prayer Focus—

Pray for discernment daily. Ask God to give you His wisdom for each day and each circumstance and situation you encounter within the day.

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