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5 Ways to Overcome What Seems to Be Overwhelming

5 Ways to Overcome What Seems to Be Overwhelming

Overcoming what’s beyond our control

I’ve lived long enough to realize life is cyclical. There are plenty of ups and downs in the short term and wide pendular swings over decades. History shows us the pendulum swings, especially with cultural values, economics, and politics.

We all want life to make sense and to have a purpose. Yet, much of what takes place in the world not only affects us, it bewilders us. Especially when we’re in a disheartening pendulum swing of life and feel overwhelmed.

When life around us seems overwhelming, we tend to do one of two things. We try to take action to bring things into some kind of order, or we withdraw to hide from it all.

The first effort leads to frustration, while the second magnifies our sense of hopelessness.

We have no control over most of what goes on around us. The more out-of-control life seems, the more we want to get things under control. But that’s an impossible task. We can’t control others, nor can we set everything in order around us. And yet, we have options.

Psalms 37 begins with an exhortation of what not to do and gives us five ways to overcome what can overwhelm us in life.


By David.

Do not be preoccupied with evildoers. Do not envy those who do wicked things.

They will quickly dry up like grass and wither away like green plants.

Trust the Lord, and do good things. Live in the land, and practice being faithful.

Be happy with the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. [vss 1-4]

Entrust your ways to the Lord. Trust him, and he will act on your behalf.

He will make your righteousness shine like a light, your just cause like the noonday sun.

Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him.

Do not be preoccupied with an evildoer who succeeds in his way when he carries out his schemes.

Let go of anger, and leave rage behind. Do not be preoccupied. It only leads to evil.

Evildoers will be cut off from their inheritance, but those who wait with hope for the Lord will inherit the land. [vss 5-9]

(Psalm 37:1-9 GW) [Context– Psalm 37]

Reflections and Insights

Looking to the Lord for what we can't control helps us gain perspective on it all. Setting our minds and hearts to trust the Lord brings internal peace and order.

But how can we do this when we're overwhelmed? It's not something we do once and it's finished. It involves a commitment and consistency to continue doing what we know in our hearts to be right and true and good.

David, the psalmist, gives several ways to do this, which are expanded on in the rest of the psalm. Each one results in some type of blessing from the Lord. I see five specific ways to overcome what may seem overwhelming in life.

Before we look at these five ways to overcome what overwhelms us, let’s remember the exhortation that points us in the right direction. We can summarize it in two ways, as seen in another Bible version — “Do not fret… or be envious…” (Psalms 37:1 NIV). These are two things not to do and verses 10-15 explain why not.

I find it easy to become “preoccupied with evildoers” when I’m too immersed in the repetitive news media cycles. And social media can help stir up some envy, or at least a distorted view of life. We don’t have to be overwhelmed by it all. We can choose to overcome it.

Here are five ways to overcome what we cannot control—

  1. Trust in the Lord and do good (verse 3). This is the opposite of fretting and envy, as explained and expanded on further in verses 16-22.

  2. Take delight (be happy) in the Lord (verse 4). We need our priorities right. When we set our hearts on the Lord first, it will change the desires of our hearts (see verses 23-26).

  3. Entrust (commit) your way to the Lord (verses 5-6). The Lord promises to care for us and our needs. Verses 27-33 underscore how important it is to commit ourselves in trust to the Lord.

  4. Surrender yourself to the Lord (verse 7), or as expressed in the NIV — “be still… and wait patiently for Him.” We need to learn how to disconnect from our wired world and plug ourselves fully into our trust in the Lord. Read verses 34-36 for more encouragement.

  5. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath (verses 8-9). This brings us full circle. These two verses summarize the primary exhortation and help us break the cycle of fretting and envy it is so easy to get pulled into.

The last verses of Psalms 37 further remind and affirm us of the Lord’s faithfulness, sovereignty, and promises. How do we overcome what overwhelms us? By taking refuge in the Lord!

He saves them because they have taken refuge in him. (Pss 37:40 GW)

Digging deeper to Make it personal...

Review the Scriptures above as you consider the following questions

  • What are we not to worry about and who should we not envy? Why is this so?

  • What are we to do? What are the specific things we're encouraged to do?

  • What are the results we can expect when we do these things?

  • What is the final thing we're encouraged to do? How do you think we are to do this?

  • Are there times when you're frustrated and angry about the state of things in your life or the world around you?

  • When do you feel most overwhelmed?

  • What seems to trigger this, or precede this sense of being overwhelmed?

  • How do you handle angry feelings, worry, frustration, or fears?

  • Are you able to bring these feelings to the Lord in prayer?

  • How often do you try to settle your heart and mind by trusting your concerns with the Lord? 

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