The Word —
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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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The Word

Devotional Study

In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was already with God in the beginning. 

Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him. He was the source of life, and that life was the light for humanity.

The light shines in the dark, and the dark has never extinguished it. (John 1:1-5 GWT)

  1. What does this say about the Word? Who is this speaking of, and what specific things does it tell us?
  2. What stands out to you in these verses? What is not clear or understandable to you? Are you able to understand it better as you reread it?
  3. How is this an encouragement or help to you today? In what way is it relatable to everyday life and in relationship with others?

WS-devo_PMSThe Word is Jesus, the only Son of God—Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer. He is the origin, the source of life and light for all humanity.

When we entrust our life to Him, we become overcomers who are not overcome by darkness.

This is a sample of what I am considering as a weekly feature. Let me know if you like it and what might be more helpful to you. Thanks for reading!

No Need to Repeat

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