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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Inexpressible Groans

Photo credit: lightstock.com But if we hope for what we don’t see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.

At the same time the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we don’t know how to pray for what we need. But the Spirit intercedes along with our groans that cannot be expressed in words.

The one who searches our hearts knows what the Spirit has in mind. The Spirit intercedes for God’s people the way God wants him to. (‭Romans‬ ‭8:25-27‬ GW)

We've all been at that place of not really knowing how to proceed. Perhaps we're in shock or confusion, or it could be a case of analysis-paralysis. Regardless, here's the good news—as believers filled with God's Spirit, God's got our hearts.

Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit who would live in us, teach us, and guide us, and He would be known as the Helper or Comforter (John 14:17, 26). Here we are encouraged that God the Spirit will help us when we don't know how to pray. Even when we don't know how to put what we are struggling with into words, He knows and He prays for us.

Think about it. God created a failsafe process for prayer. We don't need to worry about how to put our requests or our cries for help into words. The Holy Spirit knows what it is and how to convey it to God the Father. Amazing!

Even when we are the most discouraged, we can be encouraged. We are not abandoned or lost, even though we may be at a loss for words. ©Word-Strong_2016

Fly or Stand?

Our Problem with Grief