Who Do You Think You Are? —
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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Who Do You Think You Are?

Searching out your ancestral line or family tree has become a new industry in America. These days, ancestry is traced by using DNA and public records. Many people want to know their family history because it wasn’t passed down to them personally by other family members.

Israel traces its ancestry back to Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish people, although Abraham was also the father of Ishmael and the father of Arab peoples through his handmaiden, Hagar.

The Bible includes many genealogies beginning in Genesis. The Gospel of Matthew begins with the important genealogy of Jesus and Luke also has one in Chapter 3. These are recorded to show the legitimacy of Jesus’ birth to Joseph and Mary as the Messiah descended from Abraham and David (Matt 1:1-2, 6, 16).

Of course, the Jewish leaders dispute this and accuse Jesus of being illegitimate and demon-possessed. Although they say their heritage is from Abraham, Jesus confronts them with their true nature and heritage— ”You come from your father, the devil…” (John 8:44 GW).

Character and faith are not passed down from our ancestors. Each person must make their own choices and develop their own trust relationship with God. There is a natural, earthly birth and a spiritual and eternal birth. This is made clear throughout the Gospel of John.


I can guarantee this truth: Whoever obeys what I say will never see death.”

The Jews told Jesus, “Now we know that you’re possessed by a demon. Abraham died, and so did the prophets, but you say, ‘Whoever does what I say will never taste death.’ Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets have also died. Who do you think you are?” [vss 51-53]

Jesus said, “If I bring glory to myself, my glory is nothing. My Father is the one who gives me glory, and you say that he is your God. Yet, you haven’t known him. However, I know him. If I would say that I didn’t know him, I would be a liar like all of you. But I do know him, and I do what he says. Your father Abraham was pleased to see that my day was coming. He saw it and was happy.” [vss 54-56]

The Jews said to Jesus, “You’re not even fifty years old. How could you have seen Abraham?”

Jesus told them, “I can guarantee this truth: Before Abraham was ever born, I am.”

Then some of the Jews picked up stones to throw at Jesus. However, Jesus was concealed, and he left the temple courtyard. [vss 57-59]

(John 8:51-59 GW)

Key phrase—

Before Abraham was ever born, I am.”

Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

  • What truth does Jesus guarantee?

  • How do the Jewish leaders respond to this declaration of Jesus?

  • What does Jesus say about Abraham and who is the true father of these Jewish leaders?

  • How do the Jews react to Jesus confronting them about their nature as liars?


This long dialog between Jesus and the Jewish leaders comes to an abrupt end. It began with Jesus telling them of their destination based on their true nature (John 8:21-24). The discussion ends with some of the Jews picking up stones to condemn Him. But Jesus seems to be concealed in the crowd as He leaves the temple area.

Why did they want to stone Jesus? Because of His simple declaration— “Before Abraham was ever born, I am” (John 8:58 GW). The Jews' reaction to this only makes sense when we understand what Jesus is declaring to them.

When God appeared to Moses as an ever-burning bush, He told Moses who He was by saying— “I Am Who I Am” (Exod 3:14 NIV). This is the only personal name of God—I Am. Other ways it’s expressed are— Jehovah, Yahweh, YHYW, the Self-Existent One.

When Jesus said, “Before Abraham was ever born, I am” He was answering the Jews’ disrespectful question, “Who do you think you are?”

Jesus declared His true nature. Not only was He the Messiah, but He was also the Eternal One whom John calls “The Word” at the beginning of his gospel (John 1:1-3, 14, 18). Jesus was not just a man descended from Abraham, but God the Father’s Only Son in person.

Taking it to heart...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

  • How does this short part of Jesus’ discussion with the Jews reveal the division between them?

  • What do you think is the underlying reason for the Jew’s arguing and opposing Jesus?

  • How does this discussion reveal the ignorance of the Jews and many other people about the true nature of Jesus?

  • Do you understand how Jesus was and is different than all other humans?

  • Have you come to know Jesus as the Eternal Son of God in a personal way?

Personalize it...

Meditate On This— Character and faith are not passed down from our family. Each of us must make our own choices and develop our own trust relationship with God. We can experience an earthly birth and a spiritual rebirth when we put our trust in Jesus, God the Father’s Only Son.

Prayer Focus— When you are concerned about what is next in your life or about the future, seek the Lord in prayer. He alone knows the future because He is the Eternal and Self-Existent One.


Night and Day, and the Light of the World

A Murderer, Liar, and the Father of Lies