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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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A Murderer, Liar, and the Father of Lies

Is there really a difference between a white lie and a big-fat lie? If there is, how does one determine the degree of wrongness in one lie compared to another?

People may justify a half-truth or questionable statement as a white lie but it’s like the quality of water. If there’s a little salt or pollution in water, it’s no longer clean nor fresh (James 3:11-12).

Here’s the problem with lies. One lie leads to another and another. Each lie is needed to support a previous lie. Each lie begins to spin a web of deception, which traps the person telling the lies in a web of deception of their own making.

One truth can begin to untangle a web of lies. When confronted with the truth, the person trapped in their web of lies must make a decision—to accept the truth or spin more lies.

The truth will expose what is not true, just as light exposes what’s in the darkness. When a person accepts the truth, their web of lies will be destroyed.

But if a person resists the truth they will continue to hide behind their web of lies.

This is seen in the standoff between the Jewish leaders and Jesus. They were so invested in believing their lies, they couldn’t accept the truth of Jesus—who He was and what He said. As the story unfolds, we see a greater danger revealed.


You’re doing what your father does.” The Jews said to Jesus, “We’re not illegitimate children. God is our only Father.”

Jesus told them, “If God were your Father, you would love me. After all, I’m here, and I came from God. I didn’t come on my own. Instead, God sent me. Why don’t you understand the language I use? Is it because you can’t understand the words I use? [vss 41-43]

You come from your father, the devil, and you desire to do what your father wants you to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn’t know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he’s doing what comes naturally to him. He’s a liar and the father of lies. So you don’t believe me because I tell the truth. 

Can any of you convict me of committing a sin? If I’m telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? The person who belongs to God understands what God says. You don’t understand because you don’t belong to God.” [vss 44-47]

The Jews replied to Jesus, “Aren’t we right when we say that you’re a Samaritan and that you’re possessed by a demon?” Jesus answered, “I’m not possessed. I honor my Father, but you dishonor me. I don’t want my own glory. But there is someone who wants it, and he is the judge. I can guarantee this truth: Whoever obeys what I say will never see death.” [vss 48-51]

(John 8:41-51 GW)

Key phrase—

“You don’t understand because you don’t belong to God.”

Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

  • What do the Jews declare about themselves as they argue with Jesus?

  • How does Jesus respond to them? How does He challenge them?

  • How does Jesus explain why the Jews don’t understand and believe Jesus?

  • What does Jesus say about those who belong to God?

  • How do the Jews react to what Jesus says? What are the lies they say?


The dispute between the Jewish leaders and Jesus is centered on their ancestry, their family heritage. Abraham was the father of the Jewish people, so it was natural for these men to claim him as their father.

But Jesus tells them two things they can’t understand and won’t accept. First, Jesus says His father is God, which they reject. He also declares the devil is their father rather than Abraham.

Of course, this offends and angers these Jewish leaders, so they resort to name-calling in a desperate attempt to gain some ground in a very lop-sided discussion. They call Jesus a Samaritan (half-breed) and accuse Jesus of being demon-possessed. By doing this they show their true nature.

The old adage—like father, like son—indicates a likeness of nature. This is what Jesus means when He says, “You come from your father, the devil…” (verse 44). Jesus tells them they are speaking and acting more like the devil than a faithful descendant from Abraham.

Jesus goes on to describe the identity and nature of the devil—

The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn’t know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he’s doing what comes naturally to him. He’s a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44 GW)

A final indictment against these Jewish leaders is His statement in verse 45— So you don’t believe me because I tell the truth.

When we believe and speak lies, we align ourselves with the devil. And when we defend or justify lies, we place ourselves in a dangerous place.

When we know and love the truth, God gives us a greater understanding of the truth. This indicates we belong to God. As Jesus said to them earlier, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32).

Taking it to heart...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

  • How does Jesus explain to the Jews why they don’t understand Him?

  • What are the 5 things Jesus says about the devil?

  • Does what Jesus say about the devil help you understand why the Jews didn’t believe Jesus?

  • Have you been set free by the truth or do you struggle with lies and lying?

  • How does what Jesus says about lying and the devil impact you as personally?

Personalize it...

Meditate On This— When we believe, speak, or justify lies, we place ourselves in a dangerous place. But when we know and love the truth and gain an understanding of it, Jesus will set us free.

Prayer Focus— If you find yourself struggling in any way with lies or lying, ask the Lord for help. Ask the Lord to help you see the danger of lies and give you a love for the truth.


Who Do You Think You Are?

The Truth Will Set You Free