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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Long ago King Solomon declared with a sigh, " There is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl 1:9). Centuries later, William Shakespeare echoed this conclusion.

And yet, change itself seems constant and continual. Sure, new discoveries are made, but these often reveal what already was. New inventions bring change, yet the nature of people hasn't changed, nor the necessities and priorities of daily life.

Continuous changes around us tend to distract us from the one constancy all people rely on more than anyone realizes.


He also says, "Lord, in the beginning you made the earth secure. You placed it on its foundations. The heavens are the work of your hands. They will pass away. But you remain. 

They will all wear out like a piece of clothing. You will roll them up like a robe. They will be changed as a person changes clothes. 

But you remain the same. Your years will never end." (Psalm 102:25-27) [vss 10-12]

God never said to an angel, "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your control." (Psalm 110:1)

All angels are spirits who serve. God sends them to serve those who will receive salvation. [vss 13-14]

(Hebrews 1:10-14 NIRV) [Context– Hebrews 1]

Key phrase—But you remain the same. Your years will never end.

[bctt tweet="But you remain the same. Your years will never end." username="tkbeyond"]

Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

What is said here about Jesus the "Lord"? What is being described? What does it say He did and who He is?

What is said about the earth? What is said about the Lord Himself and in contrast to the earth?

What else is said about the angels in comparison to the Lord?

What is God's role for the angels? Who do the angels serve?


All that is said about the Lord and His angels is to reassure those who personally trust in Him (believers). Our relationship with God, through His grace, is even amazing to the angels (1 Peter 1:12).

Sadly, some believers ignore or take this relationship for granted, as if it's expected, almost like a spiritual entitlement.

We are reminded of the Lord's eternal nature and presence in contrast to the limitations of the created earth and angels. This is not to create a sense of distance between God and people, but to reveal the extraordinary nature of a believer's relationship with the Lord of all creation.

God originally created humanity for a close, personal relationship. But this was broken when the first two humans followed the advice of an intermediary being rather than trusting in God (Gen 3:8-13).

Any trust placed in angels, or any other supernatural being, is misplaced trust. Jesus is greater than any other spiritual being, including God's angels.

He, the Son of God—the One who spoke things into existence (John 1:1-3), became human to restore this close, personal relationship between God and humanity.

Make it personal...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

How should we view current concerns about the earth in light of what's said here?

How does knowing who the Creator of the earth is bring assurance to you?

If these verses indicate that angels are to serve believers who receive salvation, does this mean we have authority over them? **

As you reflect on the eternal, steadfast nature of the Lord, how does this help you in your life today?

**[Some people get the wrong idea about the role of angels and their interaction with people on earth. Angels are not our servants, they were created by God to serve as He chooses. Though we may benefit from the ministry (service) of angels, it's because the Lord directs them to do so, but we don't tell them to serve us.]

Here's a free introduction for the book of Hebrews— Intro to studying Hebrews

Don't Drift Away

Greater Than Angels