It's pointed out often that while others are running away from danger, first responders are running towards and into that same danger. That's their role. It's what they are trained to do.

First responders run into danger to rescue those still in danger and to establish order. Law enforcement, fire, and rescue personnel, and the military risk their lives to save the lives of others and we ought to appreciate them for doing it.

Have you ever said things you wished never escaped your lips? Of course, we all have! You can edit or delete a tweet or an email, but you can't recapture words spoken in haste, nor pull them out of the air as if they were never said.

The key to being careful with what comes out of our mouths is to surrender our heart and life to the One who knows us best. This is what we see King David do in this psalm.

Imagination can open doors of thought that lead to innovations, discoveries, and breakthroughs in many ways never considered. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity came to him while imagining light traveling through the universe.

Realization of a truth can stun and shock us when what becomes known through empirical science goes against long-held beliefs. The circumnavigation of the earth by ship disproved the idea of a flat earth, which was further confirmed by orbiting satellites and astronauts.

My wife recalls a time in her childhood when she imagined herself as a character in a storybook being read by someone—someone greater than herself. This was her first sense of God's existence and presence.

The concept of God being all-knowing—omniscient—can be assuring and scary. My wife's childlike sense of God's omnipresence opened up her realization of His omniscience and omnipotence.

As a worship leader and musician, I know the difference between harmony and disharmony. When someone sings off key and when instruments are not in tune with each other, I notice and cringe.

Try as I may, it's hard for me to ignore disharmony. It distracts me and makes it hard for me to concentrate and focus on worshipping the Lord.

But when instruments and voices blend together in a harmonious way, the music carries me along in an uplifting flow of worship.