People have sought peace of mind and contentment of soul since the beginning of humanity. Various religions, philosophies, and psychologies claim to offer ways of finding contentment and peace, yet the pursuit continues.

This pursuit intensifies during times of personal crises and in the midst of external conflicts and tension. But there's no prescription anyone can offer that measures up to what God offers.

How can fear bring blessing? When it's the right type of fear. This psalm speaks of the fear of God and declares the blessing it brings. The fear of God is often misunderstood by believers and non-believers alike.

It's a matter of priorities. When a person honors the Lord—realizing who He is and how powerful yet merciful He is—blessing will follow.

The popular phrase, "It's all good," is used way too much. It's an expression that covers a multitude of situations. It's meaningless without context and often depends on a person's point of view on life in general.

King Solomon used a phrase throughout the book of Ecclesiastes that conveys the opposite—"It's useless...!" (Eccl 1:1 NCV). A more current way to say it is, "It's a waste of time!"

God's design for the parent-child relationship is remarkable. It's a picture and model of God's original design for the relationship between Him and humanity.

Working with abandoned babies and children gave my wife and I a much greater appreciation of this. We saw the longing in every child to belong to their own family. This is something no institution, no matter how well run, could ever fulfill.

What do you treasure? What is it that you value and cherish most in life? Perhaps it's people who you're close with, which is good, or it may be status or riches.

Whatever we hold closest in our hearts reveals what governs our life. Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matt 6:21 NIV)

Psalm 119 is the longest of all the Psalms—176 verses! It's also laid out as an acrostic where each verse starts with the same letter in each stanza for all 22 characters of the Hebrew alphabet. The first 24 verses would be similar to the first three letters of the English alphabet—A, B, C—Aleph, Beth, Gimel.