Many times I've heard music playing in the background at restaurants, doctor's offices, and in some stores. It used to be called Muzak, a mix of pop songs dressed up like an orchestra playing classical music. It was typically bland and monotonous.

Popular Christian music on "family-friendly" radio stations can sound the same way. The same songs played over and over and in modified versions. I can only listen to it for a short while.

Health and beauty products became a huge industry over the past two decades. Not only the products but coaches, personal trainers, and consultants related to this multi-billion dollar industry in America.

Millions of people pursue time and life-extending beauty and health. For most of us, it's a battle against time and our desire for vitality, usefulness, and longevity. Yet, deep down we know it's a futile effort.

Yesterday was somewhat of an African excursion for me. In the morning, I met with a young woman who spent seven months in the DR Congo. It's a nation mired in poverty and turmoil, not a comfortable place for a young white woman raised along the beaches of Southern California.

She's committed to going back there to work with children and young people, especially victims of rape and sexual abuse. I was impressed with the clarity of her vision and strength of her faith.

I love to watch tropical thunderstorms! The lightning, wind, rain, and thunder put on a great show, as long as you have shelter to watch it safely. But I don't like driving in these storms!

The power of nature, especially what we call natural disasters, ought to remind us of our Creator's power. It's wise to respect His power. This is an element of godly fear. Not anxiety but respect, awe, wonder.