When things are not good it's easy to get discouraged. Discouragement can lead to depression and a sense of hopelessness and despair. The antidote, of course, is hope. We need to believe things will get better.

Although real life is not black and white, we can view it that way, as either good or bad. Maybe you've seen graphics that have part of a photo in black and white with one portion or half in color. It's a dramatic change and contrast. Faith enables a person to see in color.

I've had the privilege of traveling to many different places in the world because of God's call on my life. And I've worked with many people in various nations. People who love and serve Jesus, just as I do.

They love their homeland and people but their daily life can be a struggle. Their lives are simple because their means for life are basic and limited compared to our American way of life.

Simply put, what we may complain about, they would probably appreciate. We don't just have abundance, we have excess.

As a new year begins, many anticipate great change and have much hope for what the coming year will bring. Others are concerned about various threats from global warming to terrorism.

But, as Solomon said so many years ago and Shakespeare echoed, "there is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl 1:9 NIV). It's not that changes won't come or that there's no hope, but life is cyclical and the worries of today are like the worries of yesterday.

Discipleship isn’t about mimicking others, but following the example of those who follow Jesus.

If a person’s example doesn’t match that of the Lord, then don’t follow it or them. But if it does, it’s the wise path. This is how the Lord Jesus trained His disciples to be disciple-makers.

How do we know if it's the right example and path? We need both discernment and guidance from the Holy Spirit that lines up with the truth of God's Word (1 Cor 2:12-14).

No spiritual leader, pastor, or teacher has all the answers, and no denomination or church has a corner on the truth. We are called to follow Jesus, not personalities or policies or pet theologies.

The same year President Obama and his family went to Hawaii for the holidays, Susan and I celebrated Christmas and New Years in the Philippines. No white Christmas for us! But living there for fifteen years, we're familiar with celebrating Christmas in a tropical setting.

However, when we travel and the president travels, it's very different. We pass through various security checks. He and his family have a security team to protect them.

Why all the security? We live in a time when trust is scarce.

My soul waits calmly for God alone. My salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my savior—my stronghold. I cannot be severely shaken.

How long will all of you attack a person? How long will you try to murder him, as though he were a leaning wall or a sagging fence?

They plan to force him out of his high position. They are happy to lie. They bless with their mouths, but in their hearts they curse. Selah [vss 1-4]

Wait calmly for God alone, my soul, because my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my savior—my stronghold. I cannot be shaken.

Listen to my cry for help, O God. Pay attention to my prayer. From the ends of the earth, I call to you when I begin to lose heart.

Lead me to the rock that is high above me. You have been my refuge, a tower of strength against the enemy.

I would like to be a guest in your tent forever and to take refuge under the protection of your wings. Selah [vss 1-4]