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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Whose Strength Do You Rely On When a Crisis Comes?

Whose Strength Do You Rely On When a Crisis Comes?

Photo by Vicky Sim on Unsplash

How Do You Deal with a Crisis?

Who or what do you put your trust in when a crisis comes?

There’s a simple way to determine this. All you need to do is answer this question honestly— What is your first thought and response faced with a crisis?

Think beyond your initial reaction of fear or confusion or surprise. Who do you seek out for help or guidance? How do you respond after your initial reactions fade?

Of course, the spiritual-sounding answer would be, “I pray!” That’s good, but do you continue to trust God to guide and help you through resolving the crisis?

A genuine crisis doesn’t resolve in a moment or two. My wife and I experienced this in the aftermath of a tragic fire in the children’s home we directed in the Philippines.

Our initial reaction was praying as we ran to rescue as many children as possible. However, we lost five of the children under our care. But our staff helped us rescue nineteen others, plus my wife helped our youngest daughter escape the ferocious flames.

Even in our state of shock, we had to make many decisions, find temporary housing, clean up and sift through the ruins, and look to rebuild.

It took almost two years to recover. During this time of rebuilding and resettling, we witnessed God’s grace and provision in unexpected ways and through surprising sources. It taught us to trust in the Lord at a deeper level than before.

This psalm of David is a message of confidence in trusting God. Others may have written it in part, then David put it to music.


For the choir director; a psalm by David.

The Lord will answer you in times of trouble. The name of the God of Jacob will protect you.

He will send you help from his holy place and support you from Zion. He will remember all your grain offerings and look with favor on your burnt offerings. Selah

He will give you your heart’s desire and carry out all your plans.

We will joyfully sing about your victory. We will wave our flags in the name of our God. The Lord will fulfill all your requests. [vss 1-5]

Now I know that the Lord will give victory to his anointed king. He will answer him from his holy heaven with mighty deeds of his powerful hand.

Some ⌞rely⌟ on chariots and others on horses, but we will boast in the name of the Lord our God. They will sink to their knees and fall, but we will rise and stand firm.

Give victory to the king, O Lord. Answer us when we call. [vss 6-9]

(Psalm 20:1-9 GW) [Context– Psalm 20]

Reflections and Insights

Thoughts and words are powerful. They can have a strong positive influence and impact or a negative one. They are rarely neutral.

Countless books, blogs, and workshops tout the powerful force of thoughts and words. This was understood in ancient times long, long before the printed word.

Prayers and pronouncements of blessing are an important form of expression where this is true. The Scriptures are full of examples, especially the Psalms.

Prayer is simply communication with God. A conversation of our soul and spirit to a personal, living God. How amazing is that!

This is the beauty of the Psalms. They capture various emotions of the heart and soul in an honest, open expression by the psalmist.

This psalm not only expresses confident blessings but is also an affirmation of faith. It’s a confident confession of trust in God.

Other people put their trust in themselves, or others, or things with limited strength, like a government or weapon.

King David—a mighty warrior—intentionally trusted in the Lord, who is omnipotent rather than himself or his army. God’s strength is unlimited.

Digging deeper to Make it personal...

Review the Scriptures above as you consider the following questions

  • How are thoughts and words expressed in the first half of this psalm? How would you describe the way they're expressed?

  • What are the six specific and confident blessings spoken in this psalm?

  • How are these blessings also a form of prayer?

  • What is the basis of this confidence and this prayer of blessing being answered?

  • Where do many people put their trust? How is trust in the Lord shown to be better?

  • When you pray, how often do you speak from your heart with confidence?

  • Do you make a point to pray for the spiritual well-being of others?

  • How confident are you that God will answer when you pray?

  • Do you consciously choose to trust in God more than anything else?

Here’s a story with more detail about the tragic fire mentioned above— Out of the Ashes

Would you like a free study guide for your study of Psalms?

Click the link for a free Psalms Study Guide

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