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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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The High Cost of a Wandering Life in Pursuit of Wealth and Fulfillment

The High Cost of a Wandering Life in Pursuit of Wealth and Fulfillment

Photo by Zac Ong on Unsplash

Wandering and wondering

My meandering path in pursuit of my life’s purpose took me far and wide over several years. It was not a straight route. There were many detours along the way.

Why? Because I had many questions and a willful rebellion toward God, my spiritual search could be summed up in two words—wondering and wandering.

I came to realize my life’s journey was like many other people’s, but with this exception. My wonderings and wanderings ended before my life did.

Not everyone’s life journey ends well. The reason is simple. Our—humanity—willful rebellion toward God. This rebellion will not be resolved until we come to an end of self and surrender to God, as illustrated by the lost son in Jesus’ parable (Luke 15:17-19).

For way too much of the time, our focus is on what other people do and have. More and more, we Americans are watchers rather than doers, caught up in a culture of voyeurism. And that pathway does not lead to a fulfilled or liberated life.

And yet, multitudes continue striving for wealth and recognition. They pursue wealth as a means of security, along with its expected benefits. Recognition for who we are is a deep longing in us all. But the more we pursue it in a willful, selfish way, the more it eludes us.


For the choir director; a psalm by Korah’s descendants.

Listen to this, all you people. Open your ears, all who live in the world—

common people and important ones, rich people and poor ones.

My mouth will speak wise sayings, the insights I have carefully considered.

I will turn my attention to a proverb. I will explain my riddle with the music of a lyre.

Why should I be afraid in times of trouble, when slanderers surround me with evil?

They trust their riches and brag about their abundant wealth.

No one can ever buy back another person or pay God a ransom for his life.

The price to be paid for his soul is too costly.

He must always give up in order to live forever and never see the pit. [vss 1-9]

But mortals will not continue here with what they treasure.

They are like animals that die. This is the final outcome for fools and their followers who are delighted by what they say: Selah

Like sheep, they are driven to hell with death as their shepherd.

(Decent people will rule them in the morning.)

Their forms will decay in the grave, far away from their comfortable homes.

But God will buy me back from the power of hell

because he will take me. Selah [vss 12-15]

(Psalm 49:1-9, 12-15 GW) [Context– Psalm 49]

Reflections and Insights

How much is a life worth? One life—any life—is priceless! A person's value is too high to calculate. Yet, in wrongful-death court cases, various amounts of money are awarded to the family of a victim. The amount varies depending on the circumstances, judge, jury, or even public opinion.

But do any of these monetary awards equal the value of the lives lost? No, of course not. Thankfully, God is not so arbitrary. He is not a respecter of persons. Someone’s importance or influence on earth does not sway God.

The hope of those who trust in God is not in their own goodness but in the unchanging nature of God who is just yet merciful. He is righteous, yet graceful.

The psalmist reminds us—"No one can ever buy back another person or pay God a ransom for his life." Why? "The price to be paid for his soul is too costly." It is beyond any person’s capacity, no matter how much wealth they’ve accumulated.

And yet, the price of redemption is not beyond God's power, nor His unbiased justice. He is merciful by nature and He redeems those who put their trust in Him. He provided the highest payment for the redemption of humanity with the value of His own Son, Jesus.

Most of us have a short-sighted and narrow perspective on life. Many events, even catastrophic ones, take place each day, but we are ignorant of them and often untouched by them.

But each of us goes through troubles in life, some of them tragic. And all people—great and small, rich and poor—will die at some point. There's no escape from death. But when we surrender our lives to God. When we submit ourselves to the Lord as the Shepherd of our souls. He shows us His lovingkindness.

Those who personally trust in God have a living hope secured by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. And they find fulfillment and purpose in life and freedom beyond earthly limitations.


When we surrender our lives to God—submit ourselves to the Lord as the Shepherd of our souls—He shows us His lovingkindness. Experiencing His mercy and gracious love brings hope, fulfillment, and purpose to our lives.

Prayer Focus—

If you are searching for a meaningful life, ask the Lord to be the Shepherd of your soul. And if and when you find yourself caught up by the lure of this world’s empty promises, seek the Lord and surrender your will and life to Him.

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