All tagged thanks

Health and beauty products became a huge industry over the past two decades. Not only the products but coaches, personal trainers, and consultants related to this multi-billion dollar industry in America.

Millions of people pursue time and life-extending beauty and health. For most of us, it's a battle against time and our desire for vitality, usefulness, and longevity. Yet, deep down we know it's a futile effort.

Thanksgiving holiday is an American tradition. It's been set aside as a national holiday by a few presidents as a time of reflection and gratitude. 

Of course, as with other things, the significance of Thanksgiving is lost for many.

Many times it's referred to as "Turkey Day," and for some, it's an excuse to eat and drink excessively while sitting in front of a TV.

It's also become a great marketing season that changes the focus of giving thanks to getting things.