All tagged salvation

When things are not good it's easy to get discouraged. Discouragement can lead to depression and a sense of hopelessness and despair. The antidote, of course, is hope. We need to believe things will get better.

Although real life is not black and white, we can view it that way, as either good or bad. Maybe you've seen graphics that have part of a photo in black and white with one portion or half in color. It's a dramatic change and contrast. Faith enables a person to see in color.

As people, we have a limited view of everything. It is impossible to see things from God's perspective except by faith, an implicit trust in Him.

Our life on earth is limited because it exists within a physical realm. We are finite (limited), God is infinite (unlimited). This applies not only to physical and natural limitations, but carries over into our thinking and perceptions of the truth.