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All tagged remember
In many ways, our relationship with our parents impacts how we relate to God as our Father. God understood this when He gave Moses the fifth of the 10 Commandments—honor your father and mother.
This can be a hindrance or a help depending on the nature of our relationship with our father and mother. We tend to view God through the lens or filter of our experience and memories of growing up.
Several hymns and worship songs are taken directly from this psalm. Although it begins with an uplifting invitation, it ends with a solemn reminder. It begins with encouragement and ends with a warning.
A simple truth is embedded in this psalm that is easily missed. You've heard of selective memory but we can also be selective in what we hear or read.
How do you typically begin a prayer? Have you ever listened to how you address God in prayer?
The example of prayer the Lord Jesus gave His disciples begins with acknowledging who God is (Luke 11:1-4; Matt 6:9-13). This is critically important. Not the form but the perspective.
It's easy to blame God when things are not going well. We pray and it seems our prayers are going up into an empty sky. Questioning God when He seems far away is common and this psalm echoes that.
A great beauty of the psalms is the open, honest expression of prayer seen throughout the collection of 150 songs of prayer and praise. Sometimes the honesty is surprisingly raw, and it may make us feel uncomfortable when we read them.
God, you are my God. I search for you. I thirst for you like someone in a dry, empty land where there is no water.
I have seen you in the Temple and have seen your strength and glory.
Because your love is better than life, I will praise you. I will praise you as long as I live. I will lift up my hands in prayer to your name.