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All tagged rejoice
Many times I've heard music playing in the background at restaurants, doctor's offices, and in some stores. It used to be called Muzak, a mix of pop songs dressed up like an orchestra playing classical music. It was typically bland and monotonous.
Popular Christian music on "family-friendly" radio stations can sound the same way. The same songs played over and over and in modified versions. I can only listen to it for a short while.
As a new year begins, many anticipate great change and have much hope for what the coming year will bring. Others are concerned about various threats from global warming to terrorism.
But, as Solomon said so many years ago and Shakespeare echoed, "there is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl 1:9 NIV). It's not that changes won't come or that there's no hope, but life is cyclical and the worries of today are like the worries of yesterday.