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All tagged moral
Evil is real and present in our world. Evil is typically characterized as moral vileness or violent and intimidating power. But not all evil is that obvious.
Evil is often more subtle and secretive. It doesn't want to be exposed. It doesn't want to be discovered nor accept responsibility for its own evil nature and actions.
This psalm was written as a love song with a composite picture in mind of a Jewish king and his bride. It is considered a Messianic psalm because parts of it are quoted in Hebrews 1:8-9 in reference to Jesus Christ (Messiah).
The imagery and wording speak of a king who is immortal. It looks ahead to the long-awaited Jewish Messiah establishing His kingdom on earth. A kingdom noted for its eternal permanence, favor, and justice.
Today, social justice is a hot topic, but clamoring for justice is nothing new. Protests, even revolutions, are undertaken for the cause of justice. But true justice isn't a legal issue, it's a moral one.